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Forestry Committee Minutes 09/11/2006
Minutes of Meeting – SEPTEMBER 11, 2006

ATTENDEES:~ Karl Heafield, Tim Trimbur, Kim DiPietro, Tom Lazott, Jon Brooks, Nancy Loddengaard

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

REVIEW OF MAY AND JUNE MINUTES: The minutes of May and June were unanimously approved as written.

Treasurer not present.~ Tim Trimbur to donate the use of the beaver device he built.


Transfer Station Trees – Karl Heafield
~~~ Karl reported he sent a letter to the selectmen with copies to the Transfer Station Manager and to Lee Brown stating why the committee did not recommend cutting trees within the Lydia Dodge Forest.~ He spoke of the letter received from the town forester this summer recommending the trees be cut that he sent on to the Forestry Committee members.~ Karl had restated the committees’ recommendation that the trees not be cut.

Lydia Dodge Patch Cut – Tim Trimbur
~~~ Tim plans to get together with Bob Todd and mark the trees to be cut, but as the market is slow there is no hurry to do this.~ Kim DiPietro reports there is white flagging at the entrance for some unknown reason, and that the road is holding up ok.

Colby Lot Hemlocks – Karl Heafield
~~~ Over the summer, Jim Dodge had spoken to Kim DiPietro about 3 large hemlocks on the Colby Lot that he felt should be cut and that he would like to buy.~ He offered for his logger to cut them and he would pay the market price.~ Bob Todd, Karl Heafield, and Nancy Loddengaard went out and looked at the trees.~ Bob measured them out, and estimated their value to be around $80.~ The members felt this was a reasonable plan, and Bob let Jim Dodge know, and he was ok with the price.~ The Intent to Cut form was completed.

Beaver Deceiver, Colby Lot – Tim Trimbur
~~~ Tim installed the drain, and it is draining the pond.~ He may go back and lower it.~ He proposes reviewing the progress after that is done.


Officer Elections – Karl Heafield for Chairman, Jon Brooks for Vice Chairman, Nancy Loddengaard for Scribe, Dave Allen for Treasurer.~ The slate of officers was unanimously approved.

New Boston Central School Art Project – Jon Brooks
~~~ Jon Brooks is the Artist in Residence for the 4th grade class.~ He planned to meet students and parents in the New Ballfield Parking Lot between 9 and 11 am, Sept. 23.~ He was looking for volunteers to help the students and parents harvest wood from birch and maple saplings less than 2 inches thick.~ Kim Dipietro, Tom Lazott, and Nancy Loddengaard volunteered to help.

Johnson Lot Access
~~~ PSNH is building a substation of the lot adjoining the Johnson Lot and Bob Todd had suggested asking for access to the Johnson Lot via the substation entrance.~ Tim Trimbur reported that the sale hasn’t closed yet.~ He will check again in a month.~ In discussion of any cuts, Tim reports the areas are diverse, but it may be worth walking it with a forester.~ Tim to check to see if Bob Todd would be available, or see if he could get a price for a walk with John Ferguson.~ The boundary needs to be painted or marked with the aluminum markers.~ Tim wants to make a management plan for this lot. Nancy suggested the option of using Jonathan Nute, the state forester.

Boundary Markers – Jon Brooks
~~~ Jon Brooks gave the price of the markers the group agreed on.~ Discussion centered on waiting until some income came in before buying them. ~Tom Lazott suggested fund raising for the cost of the markers.~ Karl Heafield to look into whether fund raising is an option for the committee. Jon Brooks moved to table the purchase of the boundary signs until we get funding raised for that purpose.~ The members approved the motion.

Livable Walkable Communities – Karl Heafield
~~~ Karl Heafield reported that Sandy Van Scoyoc wants to come to a Forestry Committee Meeting to get input on what they are working on.~ Karl handed out a draft titled Livable, Walkable Communities, New Boston Action Plan and members are to review it and discuss it at the next meeting.

Project List Review
~~~ Kim DiPietro reported that Dot Marvell, and Linda and Dave Seager are in charge of the Marvell Conservation Easement now.~ Kim talked to the Seagers regarding the rules of use for the easement.~ They want to be notified if anyone is coming on to the property, and request people call first and park near the house.~ The property will soon be posted with Wildlife Sanctuary signs.

Intents to Cut – None.

NEXT MEETING:~ October 2, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm