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Forestry Committee Minutes 01/02/2006
Minutes of meeting – January 2, 2006

Call to Order:~ 7:10 pm

Attendees:~ Karl Heafield, Kim DiPietro, Bob Todd, Nancy Loddengaard, Jon Brooks


Minutes unanimously approved as written.


Lydia Dodge Forest West – Patch Cut – Ground still wet, cut not yet possible.

Town Report – Karl Heafield shared copies.~ A motion was made to accept the report as written and it was unanimously approved.

Selectmen’s Report – Karl Heafield shared copies.~ A motion was made to accept the report as written and it was unanimously approved.~ Karl to submit the two reports to the town and the selectmen.

Marking/Cutting of Ballfield Trees – Letter discussed to send to Lee Brown regarding expectations of the cut.~ Karl Healfield to write a draft and email it to members.~ To include cleaning up of slash, being careful of the trail, minimizing collateral damage, and using the parking lot as a landing.


Master Plan Forestry Section – Dave Ely is writing a Master Plan and asked if we would write a goal for the town regarding forestry activities in the town.~ We were also asked to preview the Forest Resources section and make suggestions or corrections and members should send these to Karl Heafield.

Lydia Dodge Lot – A new test well was put in the Lydia Dodge Lot, and Karl Heafield was notified the day before it was to be installed.~ The test areas are required by the state.~ The area was not disturbed much, but the lack of notice was concerning.~ Discussion was held about sending a letter to the Selectmen regarding the Forestry Committees responsibility as stewards of the town forests.~ Jon Brooks to write up a rough draft.~ A motion was made for Jon Brooks to write a letter regarding the monitoring of the Well on the East side of the Lydia Dodge Lot near the Dane development.~ This was unanimously approved.

Intents to Cut:~ None to review

Karl Healfield reported he received a call from Kim Burkhamer regarding the Thibeault cut along Rt. 13 regarding the skidder going straight up the hill. ~Karl called Dave Woodbury and suggested watching the cut, and recommended encouraging best management practices.~ The state Forester and Town Forester have been requested to review the area.

Bob Todd brought up potential development next to the Siemize Lot for informational purposes and potential land, easement, or conservation opportunity.

Potential Project List 2006 for the Forestry Committee

Patch Cut – Lydia Dodge West
Trail Map – Lydia Dodge East/West, O’Rourke Lot
Boundary Resolution – Marvel Conservation Easement
Trash Removal – Sherbourne Lot
Post rules of use – Marvel Conservation Easement
Trail map on town website – Marvel Conservation Easement
Annual Forestry Day – Lydia Dodge Lot
Christmas Trees – Sherbourne Lot
Boundary Markers designed to designate New Boston Town Forest boundaries
Kiosk and Trail Ecology Information – New Boston Trail
Thinning of Evergreens – O’Rourke Lot
Beaver Management Plan – Colby and Siemize Lots
Conservation Easements on Town Forest

NEXT MEETING:~ February 6, 2006.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:07 pm.