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Forestry Committee Minutes 03/06/2006
Minutes of meeting:~ March 6, 2006

Meeting Called to Order: 7:05 pm.

ATTENDEES:~ Karl Heafield, Kim DiPietro, Bob Todd, Nancy Loddengaard, Dave Allen, Jon Brooks, Roger Noonan


A correction was proposed under section 2 to change FLEESA to FLESA in the minutes, and this was unanimously approved.



Lydia Dodge Forest West – Patch Cut – Work stalled due to the weather.

Ballfield update - No trees have yet been cut.~ Karl Heafield sent a letter to Lee regarding the Forestry Committees requests for how the cut is done, and cleaning up afterwards.

Master Plan Forestry Goals & Objectives - A copy of the Forestry Committees’ suggestions from last months meeting on Forest Resources was sent to Dave Ely.~ Kim DePietro is to attend a meeting on Wednesday with Dave Ely.~ Bob expanded on the suggestions Karl Heafield had proposed.~ Bob asked about the Master Plan and how things would be written, but no one was definite about it.~ Kim DiPietro will explore this in the meeting she will be attending.~ She noted there were many inaccuracies in the material received from the Master Plan regarding the Natural Resources actually in the town.~ Kim reviewed the letter to Dave Ely from the Forestry Committee.~ Roger Noonan suggested some word changes in the Forest Resources Goals section.~ The committee talked of the Natural Resource section as facts without philosophy, and then having the Forest Resource Goals following the Resource section.~ Bob Todd recommended that the objectives be consistent with the statewide forest resource plan.~ The committee voted to approve the Forest Resource Goals as edited.~ All voted in favor of the motion.
~~~ Karl Heafield will send an email to Dave Ely before the Wed. meeting suggesting the aforementioned suggestions of the Natural Resource section to be a factual discussion of resources only, and the Forest Resource Goals for guidelines.

Project List:~ This was discussed and people signed up for various projects.

Test Well:~ Jon Brooks reported that he had sent a letter to the town requesting to be notified in advance of any required activities on town forestland, and they responded saying they would do that.


Follansbee Lot:~ Kim DePietro brought up the question of whether there was some land on the other side of Saunders Hill Road near the Middle Branch Conservation Area.~ This will be reviewed as there is some property for sale adjacent to this lot.

Intents to Cut:~ Dave Allen brought up the Thibeault cut.~ It was reported that both John Ferguson from the town and the state forester have reviewed the cut.~ Roger Noonan reported that they had done ok around the field.~ No new intents to cut to review.

NEXT MEETING:~ April 3, 2006.

The Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 pm