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Forestry Committee Minutes 12/05/2005
Minutes of meeting – December 5, 2005

ATTENDEES:~ Karl Heafield, Tom Lazott, Kim DiPietro, Jon Brooks, Bob Todd, Roger Noonan, Nancy Loddengaard.~ Tim Trimbur was unable to attend.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.


A motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected, and this was unanimously accepted.


Marking of Trees to Cut for Ballfields/Grandstand – Karl Heafield
~~~ Karl reported that Dave Allen flagged the trees to be cut, and later Lee Brown, Glenn Dodge, and Karl viewed the trees. Glenn will be able to use all the trees marked. There is lumber across the street, and he can use that for the grandstand as well. Karl gave Lee Brown some options for contracting to cut the trees. There was discussion of specifying requirements to be sure that the brush was chipped, and that damage to other trees is kept to a minimum.~ Karl will draft a letter to Lee Brown and circulate it to the committee members. He will also mention the transfer station may have trees to contribute.

Lydia Dodge Forest West – Patch Cut – Tim Trimbur, Bob~ Todd
~~~ Bob and Tim need to connect to mark the trees.

Stewards Reports – All
~~~ Bob Todd reported no changes from last year on the Lydia Dodge Lot West.
~~~ Jon Brooks reported that the Lydia Dodge Lot East needs the boundary marked on the North boundary from Cochrane Hill Road west to stone wall then to the end of the stone wall to the edge of the swamp. He asked for feedback re: marking the bound through Clark Swamp. It was suggested that he could use a galvanized fence post to mark the part in the swamp. Bob Todd suggested he may be able to find the boundary plan from about 10 years ago in the forestry file that could be helpful in this regard.
~~~ Karl Heafield reported that the boundaries are flagged on the Sherbourne Lot and the plan is to just let things grow for now. He may paint the boundaries at some point.~ He and others have been observing the town gravel area, and it appears they have been smoothing out the areas where the excavation is completed.

Update on Marvel Easement Boundaries – Kim Dipietro, Tom Lazott
~~~ Dave Seager was able to find one of the missing boundary markers, and he is aware of the other missing one. The family is following the restrictions of the easement and are continuing to harvest logs and firewood. Kim has pictures of the easement bounds as a baseline. She will likely do pictures every 5 years.

$142.50 was approved for signs to Jon Brooks for the Lydia Dodge Lot/New Boston Trail.


Town Report – Draft
~~~ The 2005 Forestry Committee Report was reviewed. Kim DiPietro spoke of highlighting trails and putting the New Boston Trail on the Foresty website. Karl requested people give him the hours they put in over the last year in the forest. Karl will make a few changes and e-mial it to members to review.

Intents to Cut
~~ These were reviewed along with the report from John Ferguson on Wilson Hill and the Follansbee Lot.

Other New Business
~~~ Karl brought up the idea of having a list of projects to focus the committee on certain activities. He asked members to bring in a list of projects to accomplish over the next 2 or 3 years.

~~~ The next meeting will be on January 2, and everyone felt that it was ok to leave it there.

~~~~ Possible Easements on the Town Forest discussion. Bob Todd brought up being cautious about oversight of the forest by another group versus the Forestry Committee. Jon Brooks wondered if other towns have been through this debate e.g. timber sale requiring 30 day advance notice. He talked of giving away the development rights, but maintaining oversight of the forest for which the Forestry Committee has the statutory oversight. Roger Noonan mentioned the option of deeding it to the Conservation Commission.

~~~ Bob Todd reported that he would like to finish his term and then be an alternate member. He wants to be helpful to the committee, but is not able to do as much as he used to. The committee talked of how helpful and valuable a member he is and his reduced participation will be a loss. They will discuss possible future candidates and advertise for the opening when the time comes.

NEXT MEETING – January 2, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 9 pm.