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Forestry Committee Minutes 11/07/2005
Minutes of meeting – November 7, 2005

ATTENDEES:~ Jon Brooks, Kim DiPietro, Karl Heafield, Tim Trimbur, Roger Noonan, Tom Lazott, Nancy Loddengaard, Dave Allen.~ Bob Todd was unable to attend.

The meeting was called to order at 7pm.


A proposal to accept the minutes was unanimously accepted.

TREASURER’S REPORT by Dave Allen.~ $1506.28

~~~~Meeting with Recreation Department – Lee Brown
~~~~~~~ Lee reported the Recreation Department met with the Selectman, and they will be moving forward with the field and lot across the street from the O’Rourke ball field.~ They met with Finance and CRP, and are looking for $20,000 to put before the town for a vote.~ They also discussed long-term planning, upgrading the existing fields, and where they might put new fields.~ There are some details to work out, but it is similar to what they proposed in the earlier meeting.
~~~~~~~ Lee asked about the potential tree removal around the present ball field.~ Dave Allen reported he recommended cutting some white pine trees and a few hemlocks to prevent ball field icing.~ They also discussed whether the trees cut could be used to help build the grandstand.~ Roger Noonan offered some locust trees as well.~ Dave reported the cut would need to be done from the ball field as that is the only available access.~ Lee asked about arranging a contractor, and Dave Allen said it might depend on whether they wanted the trees or not.
~~~~~~~ The plan is for Karl Heafield, Dave Allen, and Lee Brown to meet with Glen Dodge to review the choice of trees to be cut and whether Glen could use them for the grandstand.~ Lee reports there will need to be some trees cut across the street as well.~ They might also need a fence to separate the new ball field from the shooting range.

Lydia Dodge/O’Rourke Trails & Maps – Tom Lazott, Jon Brooks report nothing new at present.

Lydia Dodge Forest West--Patch Cut---Tim Trimbur reports that a new arrangement would need to be made if the wood was cut, and recommended just making a deal with the mill and the trucker directly.~ Tim Trimbur and Bob Todd need to mark the trees and make an estimate of the cut.

~~~~Stewards Reports – Karl Heafield needs them by Thanksgiving.
~~~~~~~ Kim DePietro reported on the Marvell Easement and the difficulty locating a couple of boundary markers.~ They will try to find them again and if unable to find them will talk to Bob Todd about having them relocated by a surveyor.~ Tom Lazott and Kim Dipietro will continue to work on this.


~~~~Conservation Easement on Town Forests – Karl Heafield and Kim Dipietro have explored these options with different groups.~ Discussion focused on the Lydia Dodge East lot as well as exploring whether adjoining landowner’s might join in on an easement.~ The Society for the Protection of Forests would need some funds to monitor it.~ It is also unclear whether lots with wetlands would need an easement.~ Plan is to look further into this option for the next year and explore the pros and cons.

~~~~O’Rourke Lot – Kim Dipietro received a complaint from a neighbor of lot 7-74 which also borders on the O’Rourke Lot regarding whether the holes that were dug to bury stumps were legally done or not as they were full of water. ~Dave Allen has seen the area in question, and he had not seen any obvious violations, but there are setback requirements and dredge and fill limitations.~ Tom Lazott to look into the DES requirements and see if it is worth pursuing re: potential impact to the O’Rourke lot.

~~~~Karl Heafield attended a meeting on the Vista Road cut off Wilson Hill Road.~ The original cut was reduced due to the fact that the applicant no longer had title to one of the parcel’s listed on the intent to cut forms.~ The plan was for John Ferguson to note any wetland violations, basal areas, and to inspect the timbur that was to be cut.~ The state forester was to review the area as well.

~~~~Lydia Dodge Lot – Jon Brooks made a request to replace a vandalized sign and for two signs for the New Boston Trail at the Dane development.~ A total of 6 signs will be utilized for this foot trail, and the signs will state no motorized vehicles.~ Jon Brooks will also see if he can clean the vandalized sign.~ The committee voted unanimously to approve the 6 signs not exceeding $200.

~~~~Marvell Easement – Kim Dipietro asked about signs to mark this Easement.~ The Marvell’s post it for no hunting.~ It was decided to discuss this again in a few months.

NEXT MEETING – December 5, 2005

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.