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Forestry Committee Minutes 10/3/2005
New Boston Forestry Committee
Minutes of meeting – October 3, 2005

ATTENDEES:~ Kim DiPietro, Tom Lazott, Karl Heafield, Nancy Loddengaard, Dave Allen

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.


A proposal to accept the minutes as amended was unamimously approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT by Dave Allen.~ $1506.28


Recreation Dept. Presentation of Ballfield Expansion
~~~~ Dave Allen viewed the trees around the ballfield, and estimated about 12 trees or more could come out.~ There is some low growth that might grow up if the tall trees were removed.~ Karl Heafield suggested possibly providing the lumber from the cut for another possible recreation dept. project of rebuilding the grandstand.~ The plan is to invite Lee Brown to another meeting as a follow-up to the Sept. 12th meeting.

Lydia Dodge Lot
~~~ Several members had reviewed the vandalism of the signs and the ATV usage on the Lot.~ Kim Dipietro reports the Friendly Beaver Campground no longer allows ATV’s there.

Intents to Cut:~ No new ones to review.

Membership discusssion occurred around the lack of attendance of some members and quorum issues due to lower level of attendance.

Stewards Reports
~~~ Karl Heafield passed out the forms to complete.~ He would like them next month as he would like to have a proposed report by December.
Dave Allen – Johnson and O’Rourke lots
Tim Trimbur – Siemeze lot
Roger Noonan – Follansbee
Karl Heafield – Sherbourne Lot
Nancy Loddengaard – Colby Lot
Kim DiPietro – Marvel Easement
Jon Brooks, Bob Todd, and Tim Trimbut – Lydia Dodge Lot
~~~ Jon Brooks – East Side primarily
~~~ Bob Todd – West Side primarily
Tom Lazott to help where needed.

Lydia Dodge/O’Rourke Trails and Maps
~~~ Tom Lazott is reviewing the maps.~ Nothing major to report at present.


Yield Tax Consultant Update
~~~ Karl Heafield spoke to Kim Burkhammer and they have a “contract” with John Ferguson, Forester to review proposed timber cuts.~ They are requesting that John Ferguson review all the lots listed on the agenda along with the Follansbee cut.
~~~ Kim Burkhammer is requesting a bit more guidance on when to call the forester to review an intent to cut.~ Karl Heafield to discuss this with Bob Todd.
~~~ A motion was made pending the discussion with Bob Todd that the leader of the Forestry Committee be able to consult with Kim Burkhammer and make recommendations as to which lots the Forester should review the intents to cut.

Lydia Dodge Forest West – Patch Cut
~~~ Nothing is yet happening.

NEXT MEETING – November 7, 2005

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.