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Forestry Committee Minutes 09/12/2005
New Boston Forestry Committee
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minutes of Meeting - September 12, 2005

ATTENDEES:~ Karl Heafield, Kim Depietro, Bob Todd, Tom Lazott, Jon Brooks, Dave Allen, Nancy Loddengaard

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.


The committee reviewed the minutes of the June 6, 2005.~ The minutes were accepted by unanimous approval.

TREASURER'S REPORT by Dave Allen.~ $1506.28 is the current balance.

~ Lee Brown, Chairman of the Recreation Department discussed the following
~~~~ 1) A practice field and parking on Old Coach Road near the target range
~~~~ 2) Additional parking on the O'Rourke lot near the ballfield
~~~~ 3) Thinning of the trees on the South and East sides of the ballfield to reduce ice on the field in the spring.

Lee Brown showed maps of all the areas with possible locations of the above listed items, and Tom Lazott brought maps of the area as well.~ He spoke of future needs of additional larger ballfields for older teenage leagues. He spoke of concerns of people crossing Old Coach Road, and the desire for more parking on the West side of the O'Rourke lots’ ballfield hoping to double the parking on that side.~ He also spoke of needing a water source.~ He mentioned the children wanting a contemplative trail in memory of Cliff Nyquist and they have had talks with the New England Forestry Group. Kim DiPietro and Jon Brooks spoke of trails already being in that area, and it would be a good idea for the various groups to work together on a trail. The trail might go from the ballfield to the Memorial area.

The committee and Lee Brown talked over some alternatives.~ The Recreation Committee was not that interested in the Sherbourne Lot preferring the ballfields be closer together though they were talking maybe of a pool in the future on the Sherbourne Lot.~ The Forestry comittee expressed concerns about the wetland areas surrounding the ballfield though there may be some room to expand parking.

Lee Brown asked what he would need to make these changes, and it was explained that the proposal would need to go to the voters.~ He plans to make a proposal for town vote and maps for voters to look at.~ The Forestry Committee was encouraging the practice field and parking lot near the Transfer Station as the easiest andmost immediate solution to their parking problem.~ The Forestry Committee agreed to review what they might need to thin some trees to reduce the ice on the ballfield.~ Dave Allen agreed to take a look and Karl Heafield and Jon Brooks may join him.

Multiple Intents to Cut were reviewed from over the summer.


Yield Tax Consultant Update by Karl Heafield
~~~~ Kim Burkhammer and Burton Reynolds are to let us know when they request a forester to evaluate an intent to cut.~ The Forestry Committee could also recommend when to bring a forester in.~ The Selectmen had talked of a $2-3,000 annual budget from the General Fund.~ Karl Heafield will keep us up to date on how this process is going.

O'Rourke Lot Trail
~~~ Jon Brooks reported that the signs are up.

Lydia Dodge Lot
~~~~ Jon Brooks reported vandalism of signs at the Dane Hill Road.~ The signs were spray-painted.~ There was also evidence of ATV activity in that area and also around the Friendly Beaver Campground.~ There are worn areas and trash on the Lot.~ They are using the trail part of the way.~ He is recommending looking into this further to see if it can be determined where the ATV activity is coming from.~ Otherwise the trail is in good shape and getting use.

CIP Deadline is Sept. 30.
~~~~ The committee unanimously voted to pass on the CIP request.

NEXT MEETING:~ October 3, 2005

The meeting Adjourned at approximately 9:15 P.M.