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Forestry Committee Minutes 05/02/05
New Boston Forestry Committee
Minutes of Meeting – May 2, 2005

Attendees:      Kim Dipietro
                Nancy Loddengaard
                Tim Trimbur
                Karl Heafield
                Tom Lazott
                Dave Allen
                Jon Brooks

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Tom Lazott has been confirmed as an Associate Member. Tom’s email for contact purposes is     

Review of Minutes of January Meeting

The committee reviewed the minutes of the April 4, 2005 meeting. The minutes were accepted by unanimous approval.

Treasurers Report

Dave Allen reported that the current balance is $1,506.28.

Review of Old Business:

·       Yield Tax Consultant
o       Karl Heafield gave a review of the meeting that he and Bob Todd had with the Selectmen on April 18, 2005 to discuss the possible hiring of a Yield Tax Consultant. The Selectmen would like recommendations of who they can contract with as well as a questionnaire drafted by the Forestry Committee that would request supplemental information from the landowner/logger upon submission of intent to cut forms.
o       Karl agreed to draft the questionnaire in time for the next meeting so that it can be reviewed by the committee.
o       Jon Brooks agreed to contact John Ferguson, a retired Forester, to see if he would have any interest in contracting with the Town as the Yield Tax Consultant.

·       Lydia Dodge West
o       Tim Trimbur reported that he and Bob Todd will mark the trees to be cut shortly.
o       Kim reported that the French drain on the logging road is working, but that there may be other wet spots that need additional gravel. Tim and Bob will determine if gravel is needed when they do the marking.

·       O’Rourke Lot / Black Gum Memorial
o       Jon reported that the Black Gum will not be included as part of the memorial that the Recreation Dept. is organizing at the ballfields. Jon instead suggested a sign to inform visitors to the O’Rourke lot of the age and special nature of the tree. The sign should not be attached to the tree so as to avoid any damage to the tree. Jon will continue to work on this matter and update the committee periodically.

·       O’Rourke Lot Trail
o       Jon reported that the proposed trail has been flagged out. A trail map will be drafted once the trail is complete.

·       Johnson Lot Boundary Plan
o       The boundaries are ready for marking. Dave Allen and Tim will coordinate this as time allows.

·       Siemeze Lot
o       The northwest portion of this lot needs to be flagged. Karl will ask Bob Todd if there is a survey available. Nancy will find out if there is a forest management plan/study that was prepared by UNH.

New Business

·       New Officers
o       The following members were nominated for officer positions for the one year term beginning September 2005
Ø       Karl Heafield           Chairman
Ø       Jon Brooks                      Vice Chair
Ø       Nancy Loddengaard       Secretary
Ø       Dave Allen                      Treasurer

The slate was passed with unanimous approval. Votes to elect the slate will be held at the June meeting.

·       Intents to Cut – None available for review

·       Town Websight

o       Kim reported that the agendas and minutes from each meeting would now be posted on the town websight.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.