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Forestry Committee Minutes 01/03/05
New Boston Forestry Committee
Minutes of Meeting – January 3, 2005

Attendees:      Kim Dipietro
                Tim Trimbur
                Nancy Loddengaard
                Dave Allen
                Bob Todd
                Karl Heafield

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Review of Minutes of December Meeting

The committee reviewed the minutes of the December 6, 2004 meeting. The minutes were accepted by unanimous approval.

Treasurers Report

Dave Allen reported that the current account balance is $1,506.28.

Review of Old Business:

·       Lydia Dodge West
o       Bob Todd reported that Duke Winslow had performed some further improvements to the logging road. Specifically, in one wet area of the road a French drain had been installed with stones donated by Craig Heafield. Some crushed stone and/or gravel will need to be spread over this drain to smooth out the road. Once this has been completed, Tim Trimbur will find a convenient time to start the patch cut.
o       Bob will fill out the intent to cut form and have the mill sign it. Bob also noted that the contract had been reviewed by the selectmen.
o       Thank you letters will be sent to Duke Winslow and Craig Heafield in recognition of their donations to this effort.

·       Regarding Recreational Policy:  
o       Kim reported that based on her discussions with Burton Reynolds, the Selectmen have not determined whether or not the policy should be put forth at the upcoming town meeting in order to be adopted as a town ordinance. The Forestry Committee discussed the possibility of submitting a petition for the town warrant if, in fact, the Selectmen decide that they cannot act on the policy alone. Bob agreed to draft the petition and Kim agreed to circulate it in order to secure the required signatures.

New Business

·       Report to Selectmen
o       Kim passed out the 2004 Town Forestry report in Draft form. The committee reviewed the report and a motion to accept the report as drafted was passed unanimously. The report will be submitted to the Selectmen by the due date. Kim will also draft a write-up that will be included in the Town Report. She will circulate this to members later in the week for their approval

·       Town Web Sight
o       The Town has requested that the Forestry Committee submit a mission statement and projects list for inclusion on the Town’s updated Web Sight. Kim will prepare a draft of this information and circulate it.
·       Permits to Cut”
o       Tim Trimbur noted that a cut is taking place on Lull Road at lot #2-85. The Committee has not seen an intent to cut form for this property. Kim will follow up with the Town Assessor to determine if the necessary paperwork has been filed.
·       Miscellaneous
o       Kim noted that there is a subdivision before the planning board that could impact the O’Rourke lot. At a recent planning board meeting, Kim did raise concerns that the flagging for this subdivision may have infringed upon the O’Rourke boundary line. A sitewalk has been scheduled for Saturday January 8, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. to address this concern. Dave Allen was asked to attend the sitewalk.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.