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Forestry Committee Minutes 11/01/04
New Boston Forestry Committee
Minutes of Meeting – November 1, 2004

Attendees:      Kim Dipietro
                Jon Brooks
                Nancy Loddengaard
                Dave Allen
                Bob Todd
                Karl Heafield

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Review of Minutes of October Meeting

The committee reviewed the minutes of the October 4, 2004 meeting. A change was suggested by Bob Todd. The change was accepted by unanimous approval. The revised minutes were then accepted by unanimous approval.

Treasurers Report

Dave Allen reported that the current account balance is $1,563.79.

Review of Old Business:

·       Lydia Dodge West
o       Tim called Bob Todd and informed him that Tim could begin the planned patch cut in the next 2 to 3 weeks. However, since Tim does not have a forwarder, improvements will need to be made to the log road to allow trucks to get into the landing. Bob Todd agreed to call the Town road agent to find out what types of materials can be secured, if any from the Town. Karl Heafield agreed to check with outside gravel vendors to find out what might be available on the open market in case no suitable material can be secured from the Road Agent. Bob, Karl, and Dave Allen agreed to coordinate the road improvements so that they would be in place by the time Tim begins logging.
o       Bob Todd made a motion to authorize up to $1,000 to be spent by the committee to secure materials, machinery, and labor for these road improvements. The motion passed unanimously.
o       Jon Brooks secured PVC piping for the gate for a cost of $35. Jon also secured reflective tape for the gate through a donation from First Sign in Manchester. Jon has also received the sign and will install it.

·       Firewood for Fuel Assistance:
o       Kim reported that she discussed with Burton Reynolds the proposal of having funds available to the Town for Fuel Assistance. The funds would be those secured by the committee from the sale of firewood that is harvested as a result of the planned patch cut. Mr. Reynolds suggested that there was not really a need for these funds, as there are usually sufficient monies available for fuel assistance.
o       Karl agreed to keep in contact with Mr. Reynolds on this matter and may revisit the idea of having the Committee donate firewood for those in need of fuel assistance at some point in the future.

·       Regarding Recreational Policy:  
o       Kim drafted a note to the Selectmen in order to ask them to consider the Committee’s recreational policy as a Town Ordinance. Kim will continue to work with Burton Reynolds in order to present this to the selectmen.
·       O’Rourke Lot:
o       Jon will continue working on the trail.

·       Report of State Forester on Lot 1-23
o       Kim spoke with Betsy Dodge of the Town Conservation Commission regarding this large cut on this privately owned forest. Betsy was aware of the cut and had walked the property noting that the logger had complied with all requests made by the Conservation Commission. Kim also reported that the State Forester has been involved and had not noted any concerns.

New Business

·       Stewards Reports
o       Karl submitted a report for the Sherburne Lot
o       Nancy submitted a report for the Colby Lot. Nancy also shared some pictures she had taken of the lot and agreed to label the pictures and put them in an album.
·       Permits to Cut”
o       Several permits to cut were reviewed with no unusual items noted.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.