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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/07/2009

Minutes of the New Boston Conservation Commission
May 7, 2009

Present: Dodge, Wilson, Thomson, Gilligan, Balke, Brown, Bedard,
Ken Lombard of Open Space Committee.

Minutes of April: Pending.

Treasurer's Report: Total: $542,721.71 For Land purchase: $340,000.

Wetlands violation: "Alteration of Terrain Complaint" initiated to DES.

Jason Aube: Letter from DES thanking NBCC for the commendation of Jason and his Shore land Protection presentation.

Mill Pond Picnic Tables: Decision made to purchase two picnic table frames for approx. $600.00.

Library Site Review: Letter submitted to NBCC stating our opinion of the proposed building site for the new library. Concerns were expressed about site being in the Floodplain, Shore land Protection compliance, Storm water Runoff, Protection of the Riparian Buffer. Balke, Wilson to attend New Boston Planning Board, and share concerns.

Middle Branch Conservation Area: Newly cleared field requires lime and seed. Possibility of needing to address beaver activity threatening to submerge a section of the hiking trail. NBCC's stipulation to limit logging of this Conservation Area to the winter months represents a possible "Breach of Contract" with the logging company, Decision made to honor original agreement. Dodge

Tris Gordon: (TM2/62+3/5) Mr. Steve Dunbar, representing Mr. Gordon, updated the proposed subdivision commencing at Twin Bridge Road, submitted as Plan-D, or forth revision. Mr. Dunbar pointed out that an additional wetland area will be left undeveloped,. Also, the proposed subdivision has been set back further from the Piscataquog river. Mr. Dunbar has been working with the Russell Foundation to address Riparian preservation. No major concerns were voiced about Plan-D.

Open space: Ken Lombard, representing the open space committee stated there is forward movement on the Middle Branch Farm property. The Thibeault Property remains of high interest and Open Space is working with Mr. Thibeault and his representatives on a potential deal.

Outing Club: The NBCC is working with the New Boston Central School's Outing Club to clear and maintain the CC's trails. Mrs. Jackie Moulton, PHYS.ED instructor and Outing Club members have finished work on the Rail-Trail. Saunders Pasture is the next property to be worked on. Discussion and agreement was made to award T-Shirts, with the CC logo, to the Outing Club for their hard work. Brown.

Hodgkins, Daniel : (TM 3/146 + 3/135) Parker Road - -subdivide one lot. No wetlands issues found. Wilson.

Other Business: NBCC to send informative mailing to public outlining Wetlands Ordinance and Steep Slopes Ordinance. Wilson.

Joel Bedard joined the CC
Ed Gilligan committed for new term

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Brown