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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/03/2009
Minutes of the Conservation Commission
September 3, 2009

Present; Tupper, Dodge, Gilligan, Wilson, Brown, Burkhamer, Thomson
          Ken Lombard from the Open Space Committee

Minutes; Accepted

Treasurers Report – sent via email - $644,439.46 - $17, 646.10 for land purchase
        3 checks received from timber operation –not included in this total
        $953.05 in Footbridge CD

Report of the Open Space Committee – land purchase progress – Ken Lombard

Colburn Road - Work has started on the title search for the deRoetth easement/purchase – everything is progressing well.  Ian spoke to Mr. DeRoetth regarding Bailey Pond; he expressed interest and will be open to negotiations on this parcel. Ken and Ian will come back to the Conservation Commission with more information on this area.

Thibeault Properties – still in negotiations, communication have been sparse.

Stewart Easement – This is nearing completion, survey is almost finished.  It is a 35-acre parcel with 4 vernal pools.  The property owners are donating the easement, to see the land protected.

Discussion on how to work with donated easements – to help ease and guide the process for those property owners that might be interested. Create a checklist with a timeline on how the process would work – and the legal fees would be decided on a case-by-case basis.  Table this for more in depth discussion.

Announcement made that the New Boston Conservation Commission nominated Ken Lombard for the Local Government Center’s Volunteer of the Year Award! The decision will be made on November 18th.   Good Job, Ken and Thanks for all the Great Work!

Subdivisions – Old and New

Twin Bridge – Letter sent to DES and other relevant departments, regarding the proposed road and development. As there is no longer any open communication, the hope is to have several different departments with authority over environmental concerns regard this as an aggregate and go on site to view the area. In particular, the request for a Shoreland Protection specialist to determine the high water mark will require someone at location. Now, we await a reply.

New Era Family Trust subdivision and Turtle Cove Lot Line Adjustment
New Boston Tax Map/Lot 003-009&003-010
NBCC members conducted an onsite, a letter was sent to the Planning Board regarding concerns with the wetlands and wetland areas.

Victor & Lise Lemay – Wilson Hill Road – On Site scheduled for dredge and fill for 3 wetland crossings for Thursday at 5:45 – Planning Board also has an onsite at 6:30.

Henault – Byam Road – Follow up letter from DES – copies distributed

Discussion on ways to simplify the process for information flow with the subdivision process. - Motion made and seconded to form a committee to discuss and create a procedure to follow developments from the beginning through the Planning Board process – PASSED - Members for committee – Tupper, Burkhamer, Bedard, Wilson, Dodge

Conservation Areas –

        Lyndeborough Road – certified letter has been sent to the abutter, have not received receipt.  A report has been delivered to the Board of Selectmen for their discussion.  Will call Todd Land Use and have the area surveyed.  Need to have signs for area, clearly stating what can and cannot be done – so that any issued can be addressed with proper procedure.  Motion made and seconded to create a signage committee – PASSED - Members for committee – Gilligan, Thomson and Bedard

        Mill Pond – Area needs clearing and weed-whacking before tables can be brought in.  Cement “plugs” will have to be buried or made – Brown and Burkhamer to coordinate.

        Saunders Pausture – Meeting with PLC representatives, Dan Cyr and expert from the NH co-op extension went very well.  Dan Cyr did a great presentation regarding the spraying of invasive species within the forestry plan.

        Middle Branch – Meet at 9AM on Saturday the 12th – weather permitting to demolish and construct the footbridge and one of the footpaths.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer