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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/03/2009
Minutes of the New Boston Conservation Commission
December 3, 2009

PRESENT: Tupper, Bedard, Wilson, Brown, Gilligan, Balke and Burkhamer

The meeting was opened with a moment of silent remembrance for Betsey Dodge.

MINUTES: Accepted as presented

TREASURES REPORT: $705,282.05 - $447,753.48 for Land Purchase

Betsey Dodge Memorial
        Receiving checks from townspeople that are to go a memorial for Betsey Dodge, will set up a Betsey Dodge Conservation Fund.  Discussion on fund, how to disperse monies, application process, committee – Ideas mainly that the committee should be formed of one Dodge family member, one CC member and one Selectman, application grant process, keep the fund in New Boston for Educational (NBCS) and Conservational Efforts.  Committee members to make lists and email to Mark Brown, who will compile for next meeting.

Discussion on the Middle Branch Conservation Area, finish the footbridge over the beaver dam, stewardship, new signs/poles – motion made, seconded, PASSED to rename this area to the Betsey Dodge Conservation Area.  Burkhamer to call and order the new sign.

Cyndie Wilson to write an article about Betsey for the New Boston Bulletin.

Business and Communication Ideas
        Members to use email and common calendar to exchange ideas and notes, perhaps a secure login on the Town web site?  Burkhamer to check and report on capabilities.  Possibility of hiring a part time secretary, maybe from the Town Offices? Will need someone to take minutes and do correspondence, as both Burkhamer and Wilson will be leaving in March.  Bedard, Balke and Burkhamer to form subcommittee to modernize the communication process.

New Member Drive
        Need new members, also alternates and volunteers – how to bring them in?  Discussion on different options, perhaps conservation geocaching a trailblazing treasure hunt. Sponsor an educational speaker at the church or new library.  More ideas are needed.

Letter from PLC from CC Mailbox
        Table for next meeting – regarding Saunders Pasture Spraying

New Boston Tax Map/Lot 013-055 – Subdivision – Townes Family Trust
        No obvious wetlands – Tupper to study – Table for next meeting

New Boston Tax Map/Lot 002-062-012 and 003-005 – Twin Bridge Road
Letter to State AoT Department – Burkhamer/Bedard to finalize new letter to AoT and include letter from August, sent to all State Environmental Departments requesting proactive advice on this issue.

New Boston Tax Map/Lot 003-144 – Parker Road
        Complaint of cutting in wetlands – Tupper to check

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer