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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/05/2009
New Boston Conservation Commission Minutes
        March 5, 2009

Present: Chr. Betsey Dodge, Ed Gilligan, Rebecca Balke, Cyndie Wilson
        OSC Chr. Ken Lombard

Secretary’s Minutes from February: To be read at April meeting
Treasurer’s Report: Total: $522,276.17. Of that, approx. $325,000 reserved for land purchases

Middle Branch CA:  No updates since Feb. meeting. One acre of small pines at right hand side of entrance field has been cut, chipped, and removed. Stumpage to follow.

Signs and Kiosks: Members viewed and discussed mock-ups and after a motion from Gilligan and a second from Wilson, the following design was selected: Brown background, bright yellow upper and lower case lettering to say, “Saunders Pasture” (or the respective name) and below that, “Conservation Trail”. The Lyndeboro parcel would not use the word trail as the management plan calls for none. The Town seal at the top center would be in light yellow with “Conservation Commission” at top and bottom of seal to be in the brighter yellow. The motion was unanimously passed. Chair to ask Burkhamer to communicate this to the sign maker as she has been the main voice in negotiations.
        Letter from DRED re: 03-00517 (Is this number accurate?) The New Boston Piscataquog Land needs a sign declaring its relationship to the state. Chair to call DRED to clarify and follow up.

Open Space Projects:  Ken Lombard reported that after a site walk of the Thibeault gravel pit (Lots 6/40 and 45) by the Town departments considerable interest was shown. The Town could purchase these lots and save them for future needs. The Fire Department, Recreation Department, and School Departments all saw this purchase as helpful to their future plans. The FD is interested in using the Byam Road frontage for a fire station; the school department sees this as a viable site for a new elementary school in the future, and the Rec Department is interested in the metal building at the top of the hill from the River Road entrance. Lombard will speak to Brenda Lind, a SPNHF representative later this month to assess their interest as the northern most pieces offered abut Forest Society land. At this time there is also involvement from the Russell Foundation. OSC requested an allocation of up to $5,000 for an appraisal, which is necessary in order to begin price negotiations with Thibeault/ dba Vista Road LLC. Ken has an estimate by phone from Crafts Appraisal Associates, Ltd., in Bedford of $3800. The request for the $5,000 was moved by Wilson, and seconded by Balke to use the monies for an appraisal of Map 6, lots 40, 45, 40-2, and 33 as even the gravel pit contains land for open space.
        In other Open Space news, the Lorden parcel on McCurdy Road as been offered to the Town unofficially for $640,000. Open Space Committee decided the price is too high to pursue this offer. Also, both groups agree that the River Road property has priority for acquisition with monies available and possibly raised.

Tracking Station:  Both Lombard and Wilson, along with others from PLC, have been asked by USAF representatives to sit for interviews later in March about concerns and wishes for tracking station property.  The group expressed a wish to open up the property for public use, and if possible, for the Town of New Boston to acquire the 800 or so acres within its borders for mixed uses. Several accesses already exist within our road structure.

Footbridge: CC received a thank you for our donation to the footbridge. See Feb. minutes.

Other:  Joe Nangle loved his quilt. Brochures for workshops and meetings were shared for informational purposes.

Respectfully submitted,
Cyndie Wilson, Corresponding Secretary