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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/05/2009
Minutes of the Conservation Commission
February 5, 2009

Present: Dodge, Thomson, Wilson, Tupper, Gilligan, Brown, Burkhamer, Balke
Ken Lombard representing the Open Space Committee

Minutes of January: Approved with amendments

Treasurer’s Report: $508, 247.78 with $313,857.13 for land purchase

Dodge and Wilson made a quilt for Joe Nangle for his 80th birthday; a card was passed for all members to sign.

Middle Branch Harvest – Discussion on the harvest – winter is almost over and there has been no activity except the field clearing.  Timber prices are down – but harvest cannot occur during mud season, nesting season and summer with the heavy recreational use.
Motion made and seconded to have no activity on Middle Branch between March 15th and September 30th – but must be logged before December 30, 2009 or we will re-negotiate. 4 ayes – 2 abstain – Burkhamer to talk with Mike Powers

SPNHF Property (012-016) and the Gallerani’s (012-014)
The Galleranis own property abutting the large parcel that SPNHF is selling out on Old County/McCurdy Road area.  Their parcel is under conservation easement; they plan to purchase the parcel to keep it under easement and open to the public.  Wilson will write letter of thanks.

Signs and Kiosks for Conservation Areas and Trails – still working on designs, call special meeting.

Plan of Action for Conservation Commission – Tupper reports that comments are coming in – he will collate and incorporate for discussion.

Trail work – Clean up and Chain saw work will need to be scheduled as thaw continues.  The Ice storm damaged many trees.  Stewards can report in and set up clean up dates.  Perhaps post and ask for community volunteers.

Thibeault Land for Town Purchase – all Boards meeting to be held on the 12th of January, both Tupper and Lombard to attend – Selectmen are interested in the land – has possibilities for school, safety complex, recreation.  The farmhouse and the Dodd property not as much Town interest, but Lombard has initiated contact with FRPP and SPNHF for protection as this land abuts SPNHF property.  Scenic by-way, if passed could also help to preserve these areas, with federal money coming in as an 80/20 match – this is our entrance to New Boston – keep the visual impact the same.  Very interested in this prospect – keep to top of list.

New Hampshire Conservation Commission Membership dues – now $250.00 – motion made and seconded to pay the membership dues.

Piscataquog Land Conservancy – brochure regarding upcoming walks – distributed.

Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission – Natural Resource Advisory Committee Meeting Information and Merrimack Restoration Project – distributed

Department of Environmental Services – Open Roads, Open Space (I 93 widening) – distributed

Respectfully submitted

Kim Burkhamer