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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/03/2008
Minutes of the Conservation Commission
April 3, 2008

NBCC members - Dodge, Tupper, Wilson, Balke, Gilligan, Burkhamer and Brown
Ken Lombard – Open Space Committee
Ian McSweeny – Russel Foundation
Nicola Strong – New Boston Planning Coordinator
Jay Marden – New Boston citzen

Minutes of March – accepted as written

Treasurers Report - $523, 000.00 - $340,000.00 is for Open Space purchase

Ken Lombard and Ian McSweeny

NB Tax Map/Lot – 003-005 - Lull Road corporation property, located on West Lull Place.  Concept is to purchase with design for one-lot subdivision, placing the lot behind the existing old farmhouse and sharing the drive.  This type of design would provide for maximum open space and wildlife corridors.  The lot would revert back to the sellers, thus reducing the purchase price.  The purchase and sales agreement would be contingent upon conditions agreeable to all parties.  The Russell Foundation is willing to commit $100,000.00, Open Space Committee can commit $50,000.00, and they are requesting a sum of $75,000.00 to $100,000.00 from the Conservation Commission.  Motion made, seconded and PASSED
To negotiate in acquiring the property off of Lull Road, New Boston Tax Map/Lot 003-005, authorizing a sum of money not to exceed $100,000.00 in addition to the $50,000.00 pledged from the Open Space Committee.

Shakey Pond Deed Restrictions – Jed Callen has reviewed the document, as the land will be given to the Town.  To guarantee that future use will be of a conservation nature, he is asking for more information, some of the language suggested for the deed restrictions; no excavation allowed, no public building, no impervious surfaces.  Timber harvesting allowed, with best management practices followed.  Look into turning into a Town Forest, perhaps this would provide better protection.  Will ask Dan Cyr, our forester for some guidance.  Motion made, seconded and PASSED to approve and pay the $70.00 bill from Jed Callen.

Farm/Ranch Grant – Lombard has just been informed of another grant of $200,000.00 – will need matching funds, so must be conservative on land purchase.  Has done some research on the Morgans, they would qualify for this FFRP grant with pasture and hayfield, as well as forest land.  In 1998 they were to donate some land to the town and the town was to close a portion of the Class IV Cochran Road, by Clark Hill Road to Greenfield Road.  Lombard will investigate further and report back.

Nicola Strong, New Boston Planning Board Coordinator
Program from the OEP – Housing and Conservation Planning Program, passed into law in 2007.  $400,000.00 in grant funds available.  Program applicants must meet 10 points and the grant has four stages, with match requirements for each stage.  Planning will apply for the stage four grant of approximately $11,000.00 as New Boston’s updated Master Plan meets the criteria.  Will use volunteer and in-kind services to meet match requirements.  Subjects of significance will be; the Village district, this area does not have any type of protection, historical, zoning or otherwise; Multi-Family Housing, based on soil or overlay; accessory dwelling units, which do not have to share a common roofline.  The Planning Department has been proactive in encouraging open space and conservation measures, now they need to explore affordable housing and development while maintaining a balance.  They would like to have the Conservation Commission as a willing partner, kept up-to-date as they go forward with this.  Motion made, seconded and PASSED to support the Planning Board in this endeavor and provide Conservation representation for this new committee.

Ian McSweeny
Twin Bridge Land Management – Logging Violation
Came to Town Hall for information on violation, State Forester asked to go on-site due to abutters concerns.  State Forester said no violation on state level, only on local level.  Ian concerned that violation is in the 250-foot buffer.  Burkhamer to email Forester for statement in writing, and then a letter will go to chair of Planning and Selectmen.  Question raised - Who is to enforce the rules?

Twin Bridge Land Management – Gravel Operation
Letter from DES – will disturb 480,000sq ft – hearing is on April 14,2008
CC member to go to hearing and express concern over wetlands and lack of ethical work practices.  

Foot Traffic and Road Safety Committee & Recreation – Walk
Tupper to attend

Brown attended all-boards meeting on impacts fees

Trail map – New map from Curt Busto - set up meeting with printer – hope to have prices in May

Boundary signs – will have draft in May

Information and brochures – distributed

Respectfully submitted

Kim Burkhamer