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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/06/2008

New Boston Conservation Commission
Minutes for March 6, 2008

        Present: Commissioners Rebecca Balke, Mark Brown, Betsey Dodge, Barbara Thomson, Burr Tupper, Cyndie Wilson; Open Space Committee Chair Ken Lombard; Ray Shea of Sandford Survey representing Shaky Pond Development, LLC.
        Minutes from secretary and treasurer were accepted as presented. Balance: $523,090.39


TM 15/15 Shaky Pond Development, LLC—Ray Shea presented the 108 acre subdivision proposal, offering 54 acres with a 50 foot public access way as open space. The PWA had refused the developers’ request to hold a conservation easement on those acres, citing reasons relating to the number of abutters and the amount of wetlands. Letter on file. Because the Town cannot both own the land and hold the easement on it, other possible solutions were discussed including creating a homeowners’ association or a town forest. A motion was made by Tupper, seconded by Brown, to have the land come to the Town with deed restrictions to protect it from development pending acceptance by the Board of Selectmen and advice from Counsel Jed Callen. This was considered to be the “safest” plan. The motion passed. Lombard offered to pursue this plan with Att’y Callen. The acreage would be transferred to the Town for $1.00. Further discussion ensued about how we might have developers meet with the CC prior to submitting their plans to the PB to look at the land as a whole and in its relation to other parcels in order to protect wetlands and uplands from fragmentation. No action was taken on this latter matter.

Brochure of Town Lands: Subcommittee presented a draft of the brochure including a map of trail parcels which was created by Wayne Blassberg. Additionally, Balke presented a map of all lands under protection which was created by Kurt Busto. It was agreed to use the trail map for the brochure and to hire Busto to complete the all lands map for use by the OSC and CC. Following a motion by Tupper, seconded by Brown, the CC allotted up to $750 for this mapping. The committee will continue with its draft updates.

Lorden Subdivision TM 12/19 & 96: Dodge received copy of letter from DES citing their permit conditions. Letter is on file.

Boundary Signs—Dodge signed off on the bill from the state prison for $474.40 for the 500 signs. Thomson reported on her research toward developing our own plan for marking boundaries of protected land. Blazing trees with horizontal paint marks was described. In some towns, developers are asked to pay for blazing or have their surveyors do it. In these cases, a CC member/monitor might be present during the marking. Thomson and Wilson will have a draft plan for the April meeting.

Newspaper article---Brown will write an article for the April edition about the Joe English climb led by Steve Najjar in January and include some background on the tracking station.

CLCA survey—Wilson has the information and will submit it this month.

Railroad Trail---Letter from MBC Timber to B. of S. was read as his reply to the logging infringement along the trail. This was for CC’s information.

All Boards Meeting---Brown to attend 3/13 meeting as Tupper will be unavailable.

TM 4/62—Dennison Road, Trussel Subdivision---DES requests more information and a lessening of wetland impact. Letter on file.


TM 7/10---Quirk proposed subdivision on Clark Hill Road was examined and discussed. Tupper to write letter to PB asking for CC to be included on site walk scheduled for 4/29 due to large wetland areas.

Informational---PWA dedication of Timberinghill Farm Conservation Easement. Some CC members attended. Brochures on 4-H camps, Land use clerk works at NH Local Government Center, Controlling Contaminants in Surface Water workshop 3/19, SPNHF Saving Special Places workshop on 4/5 in North Sutton.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cyndie Wilson