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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/07/2008
Minutes of the New Boston Conservation Commission
February 7, 2008

Present; Dodge, Tupper, Balke Burkhamer, Thomson, Brown,
        Tom Lazott – from NB Forestry Committee

Minutes; Minutes of January 2008 accepted as written

Treasurer’s Report; $522,576.77 ($333,765.14 for land purchase)
        Footbridge $923.26 as of December 31, 2007

Lorden Easement – Jed Callen did review of easement, for a charge of one half his regular fees.  Motion made and seconded to pay bill to Attorney Callen – PASSED

Motion made and seconded to retain Attorney Jed Callen for future Conservation Easements or other matters – PASSED

Audra sent the amended easement to DES – DES sent back a revised easement today.  Audra filed for and received an extension to allow the CC to review the revised easement. Problem concerning legalities of easements, EPA is forcing the monitoring easement fund, money will have to be set aside for monitoring and defense. Proposal is at least $10,000.00 per property.  Discussion - if this fund can be lumped together, will this be a per parcel amount, maybe address as part of an impact fee through the Planning Board process. Thomson will gather some information, Tupper will speak to SHNPC.  
CC will have to address this issue with future easements.  

Motion made, seconded and PASSED – Burkhamer to send the following to Audra regarding the monitoring fund on this particular easement-
“The New Boston Conservation Commission has $10,000.00 in a fund that can be used for long-term stewardship of the two Lorden Conservation Easement Parcels.”

Trail Maps - Tom Lazott – NB Forestry Committee – invited as part of active project to place all public recreational parcels in New Boston on one comprehensive trail map.  Forestry has trails in both O’Rourke and Lydia Dodge Lots, with discussion in Forestry meeting on maps and means of promoting to public.  Conservation would like to include Forestry trails on Town Trail Map. Can Forestry provide map of trails? Brief overview and discussion of type of map. T. Lazott will report to Forestry Committee at the next meeting on 11th of February and let us know.
Some discussion on perhaps providing two maps – a trails map and a conservation map, depicting all easements(non-public).  Balke to check with her mapper in the office.

Getting NB citizens and Families outside- Tupper spoke with the Recreation Director – will place on March Agenda

Mill Pond Footbridge – The Eggers (NB Tavern) have agreed to three places where the bridge/trail could come across the river onto their property – however DES has not spoken regarding this at this time.

Shakey Pond Easement – now a cul-de-sac and easement with 58 acres – have sent this to both PWA and NBCC – work with PWA – see what their interest is, first.

Tracking Station Walk – might become an annual event

Invitation to Scholls/Timbering Hill distributed

Upcoming Seminar Information distributed

Article for New Boston Bulletin – Brown to write

CLCA survey – Wilson to handle

Gate from Mill Pond Area at Mel’s father’s House – will ask if Highway Department can pick up and store once snow melts.

Motion, seconded – PASSED – to allow Burkhamer to request the use of Town credit card to order table for Mill Pond area.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer