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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/10/2008
Minutes of the Conservation Commission January 10, 2008

Present; Dodge, Tupper, Wilson, Thomson, Gilligan, Burkhamer

Treasurer’s Report; $812,289.96 - $624,146.96 for Land Purchase (this figure does not reflect the amount utilized for the Chancey purchase)

December Minutes – Accepted as corrected
        Draft minutes of special meetings distributed – motion made, seconded and approved that in the interest of time, members will read minutes, make and forward any corrections and approve at next months meeting.

Lorden Easement – new revision now cluster zoning with 40 homes and 2 large conservation easement areas connected by green space, also protects vernal pools. CC needs to have a lawyer look at the easement – approach Jed Callen, as he is a conservation-minded lawyer. Discussion on the future need for legal advice - Jed has done considerable work gratis for CC – there will be more easements and other concerns.

Motion made and seconded to have Dodge approach Jed Callen, Esq. to see if he will do a study of the Lorden Easement, and if Jed Callen should not be able to do so, to give Dodge the power to choose another attorney by a phone quorum of CC members. Passed

Motion made and seconded to tentatively accept the proposed Lorden Conservation Easement pending approval of our attorney. Passed

Railroad Trail – letter from Selectmen to Logger regarding timber trespass distributed.

Recreation Department – CC would like to work with the Rec to involve children and their families in outdoor conservation activities, both educational and fun. Tupper will contact the Director and try to get some ideas together.  CC wants to involve itself in getting New Boston citizens outside.

Boundary Signs – have arrived. Will need to mark Saunders Pasture and Lyndeboro Road, also mention to the Planning Board that we now have these boundary markers. We will need to check out sign standards – Wilson and Thomson will check and report to CC at February meeting. Must keep a record of where we place the signs – Tupper has GPS.

Mill Pond Footbridge – email from Sandi regarding repair and Maintenance, see article in the NB Bulletin.

Dredge and Fill – Shakey Pond – 2 crossings – currently too much snow cover to do an on-site. Permission to notify DES that we will attempt to do an on-site within the 40 days allowed but it is dependant on snow cover. Abutter notified CC of possible vernal pools – which CC will mark; Tupper will notify Planning that this owner has given a lot of open space land and wetland to the Town already and will post to make property owners aware of the wetlands.

Middle Branch Conservation Area - Letter from resident asking why can’t this be left to its natural state – a forest management plan can bring in a more diversified forest and wildlife habitat, provide a healthier forest, help to reduce pest and fire worries. We would only use Best Management Practices and a long term Forest Plan. 2 other conservation areas already being left to “go wild”.

Scholl Property Walk – abuts Saunders Pasture

Open Space committee – Ken Lombard would like to be reimbursed $41.61 expense incurred in the process of acquiring Chancey Easement. Motion Made, Seconded – Passed to reimburse Ken Lombard. Burkhamer to give receipt to bookkeeper.

Brochure of Town and Trails – have been talking about this for a while – map of all trails in town open to the public. Need both paper copies and publish on the web.
Motion made, seconded, approved to establish sub-committee to work on trail map and report back to CC at February Meeting – Burkhamer, Gilligan and Dodge on sub-committee.

Respectfully submitted

Kim Burkhamer