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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/06/2007
Minutes of the Conservation Commission
December 6, 2007

Present-Dodge, Tupper, Wilson, Gilligan, Brown and Burkhamer

Minutes – Accepted as written

Treasurer’s Report – N/A

Ken Lombard, Open Space Committee  - Report on proposed purchase of SPNHF Land.  Nice property, about 85 acres with stonewalls, uplands and wetlands, wildlife, was logged 10 to 20 years ago.  This parcel will be sold with deed restrictions to any prospective buyer.  The restrictions will be strict and of a conservation nature.  As this parcel will be protected by SPNHF at the sale, perhaps the money would be better spent elsewhere, protecting other land.  Motion made, seconded to retract offer to purchase SPNHF land in New Boston due to conservation restrictions that will be placed on the lot when sold. Passed – 3 Ayes – 2 Abstains

Discussion of trail mapping in New Boston – all trails.  Tabled for next meeting.

Railroad Trail – Timber Trespass – logger has disregarded State Forester official notice and used skidder to come back over onto Town property, removing some more trees while cleaning up slash on the Town owned portion only. Has not cleaned up slash along property line (State law) or made restitution for the timber removed from the Railroad Trail.  Dodge spoke to Town Administrator – Board of Selectmen will write letter to logger, have him come to a meeting.  Will bring in John Ferguson to assess timber value. Tupper to write a letter to Selectmen, copy to Bryan Nowell, DRED.

Lorden Easement – DES is asking Lorden to give up 4 house lots and add them to the easement, this will provide additional protection for two vernal pools and the perennial stream and will vastly improve the connectivity between the two open space parcels.

Shakey Pond – Tupper reports that this is now at 18 lots, down from 26, stub road shown on plans could be connected to Klondike corner but may have wetland problems. CC has been working with this developer to protect the vernal pools and wetland areas.

Saunders Pasture – Brown brought his tractor up to move the large slash – did a good job.  Girl Scouts cleared the rest by hand; Dodge to write a letter of thanks. Will need to mark the new trails.

Boundary Signs – Thanks to Cindy Stave for the graphic design.  Ordered 1000 signs at approximately 50 cents a sign.  Will have an article in the NB Bulletin.

New Boston Clean Energy and Air – “Step it Up” Ed, great job – good exhibit!

Mill Pond - Footbridge Committee is asking for a vote of support from the CC – motion made and seconded to email the following official response - The New Boston Conservation Commission continues to support a liveable, walkable New Boston, where citizens can walk from one part of town to another. We applaud the efforts of the L. W. C. Committee to link areas of town and meet the challenges they will face in complying with State and Town regulations.

Trussel – Dredge and Fill – will be repairing one Town culvert and installing one new culvert.  Surveyor requested a part of the property be checked, this area is a swale and is okay.  Dodge to sign off with DES.

Town Report Article – Wilson distributed draft copy for review.

Workshop Attendance Reimbursement – motion made and seconded to reimburse the participants.

PWA walk at Tracking Station set for 12/15/2007

Timber Tax Workshop – Burkhamer attended

Shoreland Protection Workshop – Tupper to attend

Organic Lawn Care Workshop Brochure distributed

SNHPC requesting help to assess Merrimack Valley Groundwater Resources.  $3,500.00 per town in the region for three years.  Motion made and seconded to support SNHPC in this ground water study.

Motion made and seconded to authorize an expenditure of $1,000.00 as a donation to NH Fish and Game Non Game and Endangered Wildlife Program.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer