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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/02/2007

AUGUST 2, 2007

Present: Dodge, Tupper, Burkhamer, Balke – interested party Mark Brown

Treasurer’s Report - $694,569.98 ($550,761.24 allotted for Open Space)

Minutes of June and July – accepted

Tax Map/Lot 012-019 & 096 – McCurdy Road – Lorden
Department of Environmental Services sent a request to try Cluster Zoning on this proposed subdivision to help alleviate the wetland impacts.  The “new” proposal does not change roadway or lot configuration, just shrank lot size, now at seventy (70) lots.  The technical review committee does not like the configuration or density.  Dana Lorden and Audra Klumb present to speak about this subdivision.  Lorden hired Klumb (Klumb Environmental, LLC) when the Department of Environmental Services and the Environmental Protection Agency had questions and requested more information, regarding vernal pools and setbacks.  Mitigation will be necessary due to 16,538 square feet of wetland impact from 2003/2004 to current projected impact.  This impact over the years is from several adjacent projects not all associated with the Lordens.  Upland buffer preservation must be a minimum of 3.8 acres to satisfy Department of Environmental Services and Environmental Protection Agency, 30 acres +/- is proposed, maybe change the lot lines to incorporate some of the vernal pools.
Balke requested drainage calculations; the erosion controls look okay, but would like to see at least 6 inches of loam on the areas. Drainage could be a problem need to regulate flowage into retention pond and then filter into wetlands.  Wetland crossings are now flagged at bank full run, however at the first impact area the crossing is very tight, would need to see overlay of setbacks from wetlands and very poorly drained soil – absolutely no disturbances allowed in the setback areas.  Lorden stated the setbacks are in place and flagged.  
Suggestion was to change configuration – use the cluster zoning and group some smaller lots together in upland area with little impact, reconfigure the lots on the southeast side of the proposed road to smaller cluster lots (plan from 2006 re; lots #1- #6 & #34) adding the wetland area created to the conservation easement.  This would allow a much greater contiguous area of wetlands. Reconfigure the back lots off the cul-de-sac by increasing in size to incorporate the vernal pools and call them “Estate Lots”.  Maybe deed restrictions will be needed for the vernal pools.  Give or deed the “open space area” (the wetland conservation area noted above) required by the cluster zoning to the Town and the Conservation Commission will hold the easement.  This solution would allow development while easing the wetland impact.  Lorden asked if Conservation Commission would write a letter of support for this plan – Conservation Commission would need to see new plans and would then hold a special meeting to approve of plans and would be very willing to send out a letter of support and have a Conservation Commission representative at the Planning Board meeting to speak in support of the discussed revisions.  Lorden due before the Planning Board on the 14th, will have Audra draw up new plans and deliver to Burkhamer ASAP.  Burkhamer and Ken Lombard (Open Space Committee) to check Cluster Zoning to see if the Open Space requirement can be deeded to the Town.

Tax Map/Lot 015-015 - Shaky Pond
Technical review committee did not like the long cul-de-saq they will require a loop road.  The long cul-de-saq was discussed in a special meeting and had Conservation Commission support as this would have created more open space and protected wetlands in an area that abuts conservation land.  Will wait for next Planning Board meeting and Department of Environmental Services overview.

Ken Lombard from Open Space Committee reports –
LaChance Easement – pending
Chauncey Easement – signed offer letter agreeing to terms – pending

Tax Map/Lot 005-041 – Beard Road - Mapadot Orchard - JohnYoung
Propsed subdivision is 4 lots – width of road could pose a problem, maybe question the prolonged use of pesticides on the orchard.

Tax Map/Lot – 008-075 – Bedford Road – Fairbairn
Subdivide to retain one house lot for their future use

Tax Map/Lot 012-067 - Bedford Road – Weston – Expedited Dredge and Fill
Pond and brook has filled in with sand during April Flooding, Department of Environmental Services has requested more information.

Footbridge Repairs
Complete, Dodge to write thank you to Houghton Brothers, Burkhamer to write article in New Boston Bulletin.

Saunders Pasture
Area all looks good, water barriers are working, landing area has been seeded and grass is coming in, forester/loggers cleaned the parking area. Request Road Agent to look at the parking area- maybe put in another entrance/exit.  Conservation Commission will need to walk the skidder paths and determine which ones will become trails – clean them up and mark them.  Set date to walk trails in September meeting. Tupper to send letter to Forester Dan Cyr, to thank him for a great job.

Railroad Trail
Bill for culvert for the drainage area needs payment – motion made and seconded to pay bill.  Tentative work schedule to start after 4H fair.

Mill Pond Area
Money from second graders to buy tables – pending.

Middle Branch Area
SPNHF monitoring – they have walked the property and all is okay.

Conservation Members
Wilson and Burkhamer are now full members.

Notice of SNHPC annual meeting distributed.

All Boards Meeting
They will be working on a subdivision impact analysis, Tupper to represent the Conservation Commission and report on progress.

LWC has requested to be on the Conservation Commission agenda September 6 to discuss the footbridge.

Respectfully submitted

Kim Burkhamer
Recording Secretary