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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/07/2007
Minutes of the Conservation Commission
June 7, 2007

Present: Tupper, Gilligan, Dodge, Nangle, Wilson, Burkhamer

Minutes: Approved as written

Treasurer’s Report: None

NB Bulletin Article: Tupper – on volunteering.

Tax Map/Lot – 002-112-002 – LaChance

Tax Map/Lot – 015-015 – Bell
        On PB agenda for 6/12, road access problems, hearing with DES to reassess wetlands. Wilson to attend PB meeting

Tax Map/Lot – 014-090 – Barss
Conditional Use/Wetland Crossing, onsite good, silt fences up, a stone wall will run along side brook to help impede runoff, room for septic system – will be minimal impact.

Tax Map/Lot – 011-113 – Clark
        Dredge and Fill on Class VI Road, will need to replace existing culvert, DES requires more information.

Letter of thanks for contribution to Marjory Swope Fund was distributed.

Footbridge Repair
Received statistics on weight and stress that the bridge can handle. Plan is for 5” “rip-rap-rock to be placed first, then “slip” - hope is to keep flood waters from washing out. CC to send thank you to Highway Crew and CC the BOS for all their work and effort.

CC Land Boundary Disc
        To be used in areas to mark boundaries of conservation lands – PWA has similar discs; prison can make these for CC at better cost. Motion made, seconded and approved to spend up to $1,000.00 on boundary markers. Wilson to contact prison and purchase discs.

Conservation Workshop
        No one available to go

Open Space Update
        Trussell property does not look good, but other property of interest is progressing well.

List of animal sighting from McCurdy Road area – distributed

Wilson submitted article on turtles – published in NB Bulletin – Good Work Cyndie

LCIP Monitor – Steve Walker, representative from OEP
        Mill Pond Area – brush and dirt from Cemetery are not on CC land. A lot of erosion on the hillside with some trees undermined. Smaller area should be easy to fix, larger area will need more expertise. Maybe some of the trees will have to come out. Ask for Advice from Forestry Committee on the trees, Bo Strong will speak to Dave Ely about stabilizing the bank. Picnic tables need to be removed and replaced. Tupper and Steve Burkhamer to remove tables and one downed tree and do some weed whacking on Saturday.  Buy frames only for new tables, can be sandblasted and wood replaced as needed.

        Lyndeborough Road – consists of 2 parcels. The smaller parcels has encroachments, abutters have crossed over boundary lines. Will need to go out and establish the boundary lines (use the new boundary markers??) – letter to be sent to the abutters requesting their assistance in delineating the property lines.

Lang Station
        A large number of rocks were dumped in the parking lot. Tupper would like to remove them and place several of the larger ones around the perimeter of the parking area. Work would be at Tupper’s expense.  Steward of trail expressed approval as long as work was done while CC member was present. Motion made, seconded and approved to allow Tupper to remove rocks.

It was with regrets that the CC accepted a resignation from Joe Nangle for several terms of service.

Respectfully Submitted

Kim Burkhamer