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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/03/2007

New Boston Conservation Commission
Minutes from May 3, 2007

Attendees: B Tupper, C Wilson, R Balke, J Nangle, B Dodge, B Thomson

Reports: No minutes or Treasure’s reports

Rod Stark and Cyndie Wilson- Mr. Stark has a piece of property which consists of approximately 89 acres.  Mr. Stark proposes that the parcel be divided into four lots.  One of the parcels, consisting of about 41.5 acres, contains a good portion of Skaky Pond and is being proposed with a conservation easement. Another parcel will have a conservation easement that would connect the USAF tracking station to the Noftsger/Wilson conservation easement.  The proposed 41.5 acres from the proposed Shaky Pond easement would also abut the Noftsger/Wilson parcel.  The proposed Shaky pond easement and the current Noftsger/Wilson easement would abut a potential conservation easement that DES has suggested for the most recent Lorden development.  A motion was made and approved to send to the ZBA a letter that would request that they consider a variance of the frontage requirement in order to get this valuable piece of land put under conservation easement.  If access could be improved to the land, it is estimated that 15-16 house lots could be located in this area where there is already heavy development pressure.

Ray Shea of Sanford Engineering (LaBalnc and Bussire parcels)  Ray explained that the Town Consul and the lawyers for the land owners have worked an agreement for Protective Covenants for Land Conservation.  This process places conservation restrictions on parts of the proposed lots.  The land owners still own the land and there will be no way to monitor this parcel since there is no Conservation Easement on this corridor.  There will be no public access and the only real benefit is a small wild life corridor to Campbell Pond.

NBCC got the grant that will enable the improvement of the Railroad trail by placing a culvert in one area with a significant water crossing.  We will need to wait to get further instructions before we start the repairs.  A motion was made to enable Kim Burkheimer to contact John Reindieu, the road agent and place an order for our culvert in conjunction with orders being placed by the highway department.

A site walk has been scheduled for the Barss parcel on May 19 at 8:30.  B Tupper and R Balke will attend for NBCC.  We will need to review site per the new Wetland and Stream Corridor ordinance.  

A motion was made to donate $100 to the CC Fund that was set up in memory of Marjorie Swope.

As part of the New Boston Land Development Impact Study that is being conducted be the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission, the NBCC polled its members to determine the number volunteers hours were put in by each member and the amount of money that was spent on an average in maintaining the various conservation parcels in town.  It was determined that on an average the members of the commission put in 80-120 hours per month in the aggregate and spent about $3-4 thousand dollars per year on various projects.

It was allowed discussed having various members become more knowledgeable in specific areas relating to conservation.  The specific members could then be called upon by the Commission to provide an educated opinion on those topics when required by the Conservation Commission of other boards in town.

Topic Area
B Tupper
Conservation Easements
C Wilson
Dredge and Fill
B Dodge, J Nangle
Easements and tracking
B Thomson
Water retention and flow
R Balke
Gravel and Timber
K Burkhamer

The purchase of disks used for marking the boundaries of the various conservation parcels was discussed.  C Wilson will contact the PWA to find out where they get their markers and B Dodge will get logo used on the shirts to determine if it could be used on the markers.  The logo can then be used to on shirts that will be given to individuals who volunteer.

C Wilson will write an article on turtles for the June NB Bulletin