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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/01/2007

Minutes of the Conservation Commission
March 1, 2007

Present; Balke, Burkhamer, Dodge, Gilligan, Nangle, Thomson, Tupper, Wilson

Minutes - Accepted

Treasurer’s Report;  $655,510.04 - Bridge Fund $902.37

Tax M/L – 012-089 and 012-088 – LeBlanc/Bussiere – Susan’s Way
        PB expressed concern over density, will require impact study. Loop roads are currently proposed, but PB might require another egress road.  Two years ago the PB stated that this area must have another access road, before allowing more subdivision.  Land donation possible to “fix” intersection of Chestnut Hill/Bedford Road.  The proposed continuation of Indian Falls Road would have wetland impacts.  Letter from DES citing RSA 482:A:11(V) may require that these applications be considered as an aggregate, not as unrelated projects.  Tentative March 6th meeting with DES to discuss this designated area, Tupper and Wilson to attend.  Tupper will contact Selectmen and PB to ask that each send a representative as well.

Tax M/L – 012-093-038 – Chestnut Hill Development – Susan’s Way
        DES granted a Dredge and Fill – Tupper to bring up this subdivision as part of the aggregate at meeting with DES, since it is in the designated area.

Tax M/L – 002-112-002 – La Chance – Lull/Weare/Middle Branch Roads
        Cluster development with Open Space/Conservation Easement proposed.  Wilson to speak with Mr. La Chance.  La Chance attorney to draft the easement, as will be an association with each homeowner to have an interest in the open space.  Concern is that the land be protected in perpetuity.  Request Ken Lombard and Carol Hall to look at covenants, perhaps Steve Rudock, a Land Lawyer, as well.  Motion made and seconded to appropriate up to $1,000.00 to bring the La Chance Conservation Easement to final draft.

Tax M/L – 004-062 & 008-081 – Trussell – Clark Hill Road
        Letter from Open Space Committee requesting funding of $1,200.00 for appraisal of the properties.  Motion made and seconded to appropriate $1,200.00 for appraisal of the Trussell Properties, contingent on reimbursement if is not conveyed to the Town.

Tax M/L – 003/005 – Lull Road Corp. – Lull Road
        Attorney for Lull Road sent in request to be on the agenda in April to discuss Future plans for the property.  Tupper to contact, placed on agenda for April 5, 2007 at 8:00 PM.

Tax M/L – 006-038 – Marrinan – Wilson Hill Road
        Request pending for a preliminary onsite regarding the wetland crossing.  The parcel is very wet and will be problematic to build, only one location for the home site.

Tax M/L – 011-012-001 & 001-013 – Deroetth – Lot Line Adjustment
        No CC impact.

Tax M/L 001-051 – Brouillet – Francestown Road
        Notice to CC of driveway change to eliminate runoff.

Wetlands Ordinance and Cluster Development on Town Warrant.
Good work by the respective committees.

Railroad Trail
Waiting for NH Bureau of Trails to inform the CC of grant application status.
Concern expressed over marking of trees on the trail and the work being done.  Gilligan and Burkhamer to write article regarding updates on the trail for the New Boston Bulletin.  Next article should be on Saunders Pasture logging to keep the Towns people informed.

Easement Form
        Work is underway.

Update from NHACC regarding Dredge and Fill Applications distributed and discussed.

Multi-Departmental Board/Committee meetings
        Tupper has been attending for CC.  These meeting started due to concern over Cul de Saq length and have continued.  They have promoted open communication between all the Boards and Committees, a good thing!
Have decided to make a Technical Review Committee, consisting of the various committee/boards.  Any type of major subdivision or development application would be reviewed and discussed, prior to PB meetings.  Comments and notes from this committee would be available to the PB at their meeting, not after the fact.  CC would review plans and discuss before CC representative attends.

Letter from Gordon Russell to thank CC for donation of the Wildlife Book.

Brochure from the UNH Extension on Wildlife Workshops, various dates, some members plan to attend.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer