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Conservation Commission Minutes01/04/2007
New Boston Conservation Commission
Minutes of January 4, 2007

Present: Gilligan, Tupper, Wilson, Thomson, Dodge, Nangle, Burkhamer

Minutes – no minutes

Treasurer’s Report – None

Tax M/L  -  15-15 -  Shakey Pond Development
        Tupper attended multi-department meeting regarding all development on Bedford Road, also much discussion on the town-wide impact of development. On site for this proposed development scheduled for 9:15 AM on Jan. 6, 2007. Both Tupper and Thomson to attend on-site – concern for vernal pools in the area.

Tax M/L - 12-19 & 12-16 -  McCurdy Road – Lorden
        Have a response from NH Fish and Game, a memo was sent to DES as well, regarding Blanding turtle, Hognose snake and bobcat being affected by this project. The wetland buffer should be enlarged to establish biological connectivity, recommend a protective corridor of at least 300 feet in width.

Wetland Ordinance –
        At last meeting/presentation much of the discussion revolved around the Planning Board being allowed to increase the buffer area at their discretion, and that the buffer needed a set outside limit. Buffer now set at 50 to 100 feet. Planning Board voted 4 to 0 to accept the ordinance, so it will be on the ballot with Planning Board approval. Ordinance is now before the town attorney for review. Both the Wetlands and the Cluster Ordinances are up for final approval on January 9, 2007. Article in the January edition of the New Boston Bulletin explaining the Wetland Ordinance, second article will focus on support of ordinance.

NH Fish and Game book titled Identifying and Protecting NH Significant Habitat – very informative book, would like to promote public awareness - motion made and seconded to purchase 10 books, distribute to committees and donate one to the library.

Saunders Pasture –
        Hardwick remitted the top bid, CC has received contract and check from Dan Cyr, Betsey Dodge will sign and Kim will copy and mail. Money from operation to go in Town General Fund, Town Administrator is investigating and will inform the CC.
        Bill from Roger Noonan for $480.00 for mowing – motion made and seconded to pay bill for mowing.
        Herbicide spraying to be done by Dan Cyr , once the professional spraying is done, CC will take over “maintenance spraying”.

Railroad Trail
        Burkhamer would like to apply for grant, if accepted, CC would have to pay for materials and then would be reimbursed Motion made and seconded to apply for grant for drainage improvements on the Railroad trail. The Community Volunteer group would like to start removing brush, need to have a CC member on site, Gilligan volunteered to be on site.

Open Space Committee –
        No report back as yet.

Liberty Tree Program
        Elm Tree Research program to replant elm trees that are resistant to Dutch Elm Disease, pass this information to Forestry Committee.

Town Report –
        Article due to Town by January 12, 2007, Wilson to write article. List of committee members is correct.

Land Resource Management Seminar –
        Several dates to choose from, 2 or 3 members will attend.

Easement Monitoring –
        Legally, we need to file monitoring documentation on each conservation easement and on any land on which we are stewards. Thomson has standard monitoring form that we can adapt and use. Gilligan to compose list of easements and stewardship lands.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer