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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/18/2006
New Boston Conservation Commission Minutes
Meeting with Dan Cyr – Forester for Saunders Pasture

Present – Nangel, Dodge, Gilligan, Burkhamer

Dan Cyr requested meeting to consider and accept one of the timber bids received for Saunders Pasture. Mr. Cyr gave brief overview of project before presenting the bids to the Chair to open. The harvest will be conducted in winter, with all BMP’s followed, only trees marked by Mr. Cyr will be logged, skidding paths will be laid out and adhered to, landing to be cleaned up with any debris not used to fill in skid trail soft spots, pushed to left of field in a “burn pile”. Mr. Cyr will file a State application for Forestry Notification having Minimum Impact.

Mr. Cyr met with the Road Agent, John Riendeau, no driveway permit is needed and a culvert at the landing will not be necessary, as a ditchline is in place and will be monitored during the operation.

Three bids were received, the highest from D.H. Hardwick and Sons. A certificate of insurance will be sent to the Town offices prior to start of operation. A bond of $1,000.00 dollars will be required, to be used for clean up if applicable. Motion made and seconded to accept the bid from D. H. Hardwick and Sons.

Mr. Cyr will deliver check for 20% of estimated harvest to Town. Burkhamer to ask Town Administrator, Burton Reynolds, to please determine how funds should be dispersed.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer