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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/05/2006
MINUTES FROM October 5, 2006
Meeting and Public Hearing

Members Present: Dodge, Tupper, Nangle, Gilligan, Philippy, Wilson, Balke
Minutes were approved with no additions
Treasurer’s Report: $ 560,316.78        Bridge Fund – No report

Old Business

Baily Pond Land- In a letter from Ken Lombard, he stated that Mr. deRoth may purchase the entire piece of property and put a conservation easement on it.  The $150,000 that was voted by the NBCC members to pay for the easement would be returned if the purchase proceeds as anticipated.

Town Master Plan- Was presented to the Planning Board on 9/12 and was approved.  The priorities will be;
·       Open Space and ordinances to support
·       Wet lands and shore line protection
·       Affordable housing
There will be a meeting to begin work on implementing the plan on 10/16/06.  Betsey, Burr and Cyndie all expressed interest in attending

Planning Board Updates-
·       TM 6/33&40-2 – TBO Update
Vincent Iaceozzi, the TBO representative, met with the NBCC to discuss the proposed development in the Wilson Hill Rd. area.  There will be a number of 3 and 4 unit condos that are being proposed.  They will share common wells and would be part of the community property.  The current Byam Farm will be restored and it was the recommendation of the NBCC that language be put into the deed that the parcel could not be sub-divided further.  It was also suggested that the field that are associated with that parcel be placed into a scenic easement.  The access road will be off Byam Rd. and a bridge will be built to span the creek that runs into the Piscataquog River.  The previously proposed cul-de-sac will not be built.  Willson Hill Rd will stay as a class 6 road and retention ponds will be built above and below where the new proposed road crosses Wilson Hill Rd and culverts will be place to handle water from the retention ponds.  There will be approximately 90-120 acres that will be place into conservation.  The property would be for conservation and low impact recreation.  It was suggested by the NBCC that the land be owned by the town and the easement be held by the PWA.  The NBCC will need to walk the land if there are wet land issues with the new proposed development and it’s access road.
·       TM 2/62 – Twin Bridge Rd. – Tris Gordon  See attached memo from Cyndie Wilson regarding NBCC position on the development.  The Planning Board was concerned about the long cul-de-sac and it may need to be shortened and few houses planned for the area.
·       TM 5/52 & 5/50 Rick Martin/Beard Rd.  Currently being appealed by abutters
·       TM 2/25 & 12 LaChance – Rt. 77 and Lull Rd.  They will place easement on open space area.
·       TM 5/16 – Doug Hill willing to provide an easement on the property.
·       TM – Indian Falls.  The developer has agreed to defining open space (covenants) and mark those areas for future owners.  It was suggested the some lots be given to the town wild life corridors and recreation.
·       TM 12/65 – Pulpit Rd. The wetland crossing was approved by DES and some of the areas will be marked for future owners as land to be undisturbed.  These are small designated wetland areas on the proposed building lots.

Saunders Pasture- Burr will contact Roger Noonan to set up time to walk the land and discuss the brush hogging.  Burr will schedule a work day to clean up what can’t be handled by the brush hog and other projects such as trail maintenance and meeting Dan Cry to walk the area and review forestry plan.

Middle Branch – Harry Murray, surveyor for David and Maria Merry has offered to walked the property line of the Middle Branch CC area.  This will be in about three weeks and Betsey will call to let everyone know the exact date.  We will use this exercise to mark the boundary so that signs can be placed to let the public know that they are entering private property.

State Annual Conservation Committee’s Meeting- This will be taking place in November.  Betsey wanted to know who was getting the news letters.  A motion was made and carried to pay the annual newsletter fees for member of the NBCC and also pay for the fees for those that wished to attend the annual meeting.