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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/07/2006

MINUTES FROM September 7, 2006
Meeting and Public Hearing

Members Present: Balke, Dodge, Gilligan, Nangle, Philippy, Wilson
        Also present: Ken Lombard, Chr. Open Space Committee
Minutes were approved with additions.
Treasurer’s Report: $547,672.12   Bridge fund: $894.42

        No members of the public were present for this required hearing. Ken Lombard of the Open Space Committee presented their proposal for purchasing a Conservation Easement on the property presently owned by Desiree Wakeham (Map 11, Lot 5454) for the sum of $150,000. Peter Deroetth, an abutter, has committed to purchasing the land and allowing the Town to purchase the development rights and place the land under a Conservation Easement. Although negotiations for the sale are still ongoing, Mr. Deroetth has agreed to allow public access to the parcel, i.e. it will not be posted; will be open to non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians for minimum impact recreation. It was moved and seconded that the Conservation Commission give $150,000 to the Open Space Committee for the aforementioned Easement and Development Rights. The motion passed unanimously. The $150,000 includes the $10,000 which was approved in August to repay the Russell Foundation to hold the option to buy.

Planning Board Updates:

·       TM 14/98 Eisenhaure—McCollum Road: Wilson met with Mrs. Eisenhaure to discuss limitations in the proposed easement. The easement has been drafted. Once revisions have been completed it will be forwarded to the Eisenhaures.
·       TM 2/62—T. Gordon, Twin Bridge Road: Discussed configuration of easement and made recommendations for a memo to the Planning Board. Said memo on file.
·       TM 5/52 & 5/50—R. Martin, Right Way Builders, Beard Road: Conservation Easement has been written and passed on to his attorney. Since the abutters are appealing the PB’s approval of the subdivision in Superior Court, the Easement is presently at rest.
·       TM 8/122—D. Moody, Clark Hill Road: Mr. Moody will not begin building until spring of 2007. CC to monitor wetland setback of 5 feet during construction.
·       TM 5/16—D. Hill, Route 136: DES has approved Dredge and Fill Application.

Saunders Pasture: Discussed monitoring report and letter from M. Watkins concerning the monitoring. Tupper has drafted a response which was accepted in a motion from Philippy.
        Trail work has begun thanks to Nangle and Tupper. On a motion from Wilson, CC voted to reimburse Tupper $368 for the Echo brush cutter which will belong to CC and be stored at his home. Dodge and Philippy agreed to try to borrow an engraving tool to mark all of CC’s tools which are now stored at Dodge’s and Tupper’s homes.

Master Plan: Plan to be presented to PB on 9/12. CC members encouraged to attend.

LWC: Sandi VanScoyoc will present an update at our December meeting.

TM4/69: Dredge and Fill application for Permit by Notification was presented by Kim Dipietro for a culvert on a horse riding trail being built on Jon Brooks’ land. Philippy, Gilligan, Dodge, and Nangle to perform onsite inspection and were given permission to approve on site.
TM2/98: Letter of introduction from David and Maria Merry who have purchased land abutting the Middle Branch CA. Invited CC to use their dumpster in clean up efforts along the road. Dodge to call them about same as well as about our placing signs along the common boundary to alert the public of where private lands begin. Wilson moved to have Dodge contact Harry Murry to do a boundary walk along the East side to place said signage.
CIP:  CC voted to request the sum of $1 to keep the line item open.
Perm culturist speaker: Arrangements made to forward our donation of $100 approved in August.
Railroad Trail: Kim Dipietro reported 2 large trees down on the trail off Parker Road. Steve Burkhamer will clear them.

Respectfully submitted,
Cyndie Wilson