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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/02/2006
MINUTES FOR February 2, 2006

Present: Balke, Burkhamer, Dodge, Nangle, Tupper, Wilson
Secretary’s Minutes:  approved as written
Treasurer’s Report:  bank statement: $191,966.95  Bridge acc’t: $1302.95
        Deposit from 2005 current use: $222,167.00


Open Space Committee:  Ken Lombard met with the CC to discuss a possible acquisition of TM 10/55 which abuts the east of the South Branch Conservation Area, and which has been offered to the Town for a fee. CC approved further negotiation of price based on “clear title” of the present owner, Timothy Slosek.

Saunders Pasture: Burr’s “Addendum A” to the management plan was accepted unanimously and is in CC files. R. Noonan did not bush hog the pasture in the fall. Betsey will remind him it can only be done in the fall, not the spring.

Mill Pond:  Signs in progress. Due to reports of public’s confusion about their access to the ice house area, it was decided to place an additional sign at the fork near the entrance to show arrows to the riverside and the trail. On a recent visit to the area, Joe Nangle was told by abutter Morrisey that he couldn’t be on the property. The matter was reported to the Selectmen and the Police in whose hands it remains. Any further such incidents should be reported to the police.

Thibeault/Vista LLC, TM6/33: Further discussion of the mitigated easement. Paul Schauer, soil scientist for same assured CC that the full 91 acres are to be included. If so, it would abut the SPNHF piece. Schauer, at CC’s request, will speak to the Society and the PWA about their accepting this easement. CC favors putting all 91 acres under easement, and would further consider taking it on if the above will not.

Caggiano, Steve TM1/25 Bunker Hill: Owner has resubmitted drainage plans to DES to be in compliance, his having crossed a PWA easement for his driveway.

Planning Board Update: On sites 2/11 TM5/16, 8/122, 3/21. Need to look at wetlands on first two, and drainage on the third. Dodge, Nangle, Burkhamer, Tupper, and Wilson to share walks.

Plantier TM12/71-3 & 71-4 Bedford Road: Ray Shea, agent, submitted D&F application for an expedited approval. Move by Tupper, Second by Burkhamer: CC declines expediting application until after applications for subdivision has been made to the Planning Board. Betsey to report to Shea by phone.

Change of ownership:  1)TM 3/57 (48A) TM 6/14 (130A) sold by Aggregate Industries Gravel to Thibeault Corp. The lot line adjustment for the RR trail was done earlier.
        2)TM7/56-1&57 (22.36 A) Janet Nixon sold to SPNH.