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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/02/2005
MINUTES FOR December 2, 2005

Present: Balkey, Dodge, Nangle, Philippy, Tupper, Wilson


Secretary’s Minutes:  approved as written
Treasurer’s Report: in general account: $192,556.33; no statement for bridge account

Beard Rd. TM 5-52 & 50—On site inspection conducted in two sessions: one by Betsey and Joe; the other by them and Burr. Burr wrote the Planning Board a letter combining the information from both walks.

LWC: Article in Goffstown News from committee suggesting the railroad trail be widened for use by bicyclists. For January agenda—discuss a letter from NBCC to LWC about the railroad trail and bridge. Research to be done on management plan and restrictions for rr trail.

New Boston Bulletin: As per November decision, Kim wrote the first article in a series, this one about the rr trail. Melissa will write the article for January focusing on the Schofield piece.

Thibeault D&F: as per November decision, letters sent to DES and NBPB about site walk and the proposed conservation easement.

Saunders Pasture: Based on advice from Deb Weymouth and Mr. Hamilton, we will revise the management plan in January to include harrowing of the lower half of the top field.

Open Space:  Moved by Burr and seconded by Rebecca—Request $500 for NBCC in 2006 in addition to the $500 already requested for Open Space Committee funds. This will make a total request for both in the amount of $1,000. Betsey will verbally inform Burton Reynolds.
        It was estimated that at this time $126,290 is designated for land purchases.


Dredge and Fills:
        Indian Falls LLC and Jacqueline Bussiere TM 12/88 &89. Ray Shea of Sandford Surveying showed proposed driveway plans for both subdivisions. Passing a motion from Burr, seconded by Rebecca, the CC will expedite the D&F application. A letter will be sent to the Planning Board suggesting a common drive be approved between lots 89-20 and 88-10 to avoid crossing the wetlands on 88-10.
        Albert LaChance TM 1/112-2: Rte. 77 and Middle Branch. On site inspection performed 12/1 by Betsey and Joe. Betsey will write DES suggesting that an alternative entrance to a 5 cluster housing development would avoid a wetlands crossing. An alternative could be from Middle Branch Road.

CC Rep to the PB: A letter will be written to the boards of planning and selectmen requesting the addition of a CC member to the Planning Board. RSA’s support such a move. Burr volunteered to be the representative as long as there are others to substitute when he is on assignment from his work.

CC Yearly Report:  Joe volunteered once again for this task.

TM 10/74 Doland Desruisseaut, Lyndeborough Rd. No issues with wetlands for a one lot subdivision.

Posters:  Posters from the library picnic will be displayed in the Town Hall foyer.

Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Wilson, Secretary