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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/4/2005

MINUTES FOR November 4, 2005

Present: Burkhamer, Dodge, Nangle, Philippy, Tupper, Wilson
Guest: Steve Walker, CLSP, DES Re: Mill Pond CA


Secretary’s Minutes:  approved as written; no treasurer’s report

LCIP Parcels: Steve Walker presented us the information about monitoring booklets which will be available for towns to help check on their LCIP plots. He is available to give them support and necessary training. RE: Mill Pond CA—CC members discussed their concerns about the proposed footbridge. The state does not want the nature of the property to change. Installing a foot bridge upriver and using the CA trail on the river bank for access would expand the use. He will do a site walk and respond to us with a letter after speaking with Pete Helms to coordinate their feedback to the CC and the LWCC.
        The Townes pieces were walked by Cyndie Wilson with Deb Keiner, and the report has been filed with NBCC.

Old Business
Invasive Species: Melissa did a fine job coordinating the presentation by PWA volunteers. Unfortunately, attendance was low even after inviting neighboring Conservation Commissions.

Saunders Pasture: Roger Noonan will be contracted to brush hog the alternate field. In the spring providing the easement allows it, Alan Follansbee has volunteered to harrow the brambles and the lower half of the top field and seed it with oats to overrun the brambles. More discussion will follow at subsequent meetings.

Mill Pond: Signs not yet ready. LWCC update by Betsey.

Indian Falls TM 12/88-89: Onsite done by Betsey, Cyndie and Kim. Follow up letter requested land be put under easement and a further onsite for wetlands inspection. PB says we will be notified after road plans are accepted.

Mohan Parcel TM 14/84: Approved paying $1,000 for appraisal bill. Passed to Balke.

Hopkins Road: Onsite of kettle hole offered for conservation easement conducted by Nangle, Dodge, Wilson and Pierre Bruno, a New Boston geologist. Passed a motion from Tupper, seconded by Wilson not to accept the easement as proposed. Letter to be sent to PB suggesting covenants in the deeds to each relevant parcel.

Public Education:  Brandy Mitroff has agreed to publish an article each month on one CC trail. Kim will write the first about the RR trail.

Vista Road LLC (Ernie Thebeault) TM 6/40-42 & 33: Proposed 41,500 sf of wetlands affected in proposed D&F application for 56 houses. Onsite conducted by Dodge, Nangle, and Wilson. DES agents present as well as Vista Road agents. Two issues: Letter to DES about proposed crossings; letter to PB due to lack of information about the proposed mitigation conservation lands CC can take no action on its acceptance or rejection at this time.


Rightway Builders Beard Rd TM5/50 & 52: CC inspected wetlands on new set of plans. Sitewalk on 11/5 at 8:30 a.m. Planning Board states they want CC to do their walk independent of their Board. Walk to be done by Dodge, Nangle, and Tupper.

Cariagiano: Letter from DES on file regarding wetlands violations remediation by 2/17/06 at TM1/25 on Bunker Hill Road. Violation of PWA easement land.

Workman, John TM 4/41 (Hersey Homestead—Thornton Rd): Proposed houselot subdivision; no wetlands issues.

Chancey Easement: In response to request from Open Space Committee, CC appropriated $1,000 for appraisal of the farm. Cyndie is working with them on this.

OTHER BUSINESS: USDA informational session for protecting lands via easement at Chappell Prof. Bldg 11/14 6-8p.m. Info passed to Open Space Committee.

Respectfully submitted,
Cyndie Wilson, Secretary
New pamphlet about protecting the Piscataquog River received praise. The PRLAC has published it and made it available to the public.