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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/04/2005


Present: Balke, Burkhamer, Dodge, Nangle, Philippy
Treasurer’s Report: $192,075.04
Minutes: June and July Minutes approved as read

Livable, Walkable Community – the LWC committee’s grant proposal states the need to link Town properties with trails connecting to the Village center. Conservation’s Mill Pond, Rail Trail and Scofield are within the scope of project. Also, a Town forest parcel might be within their parameters. The LWC members are proposing a footbridge, which will connect the post office by walking trail to the Village center. The land that they are proposing for the footbridge is not part of the Mill Pond property. Betsey has asked about a walking trail on an old woods or tow road that follows the river down to the bridge on route 13 by Sue Tingleys’. Betsey checked with Paula Bellemore (of the PWA) and most of the area is already under easement to the PWA. Tingely would be the only property to need to give an easement. Road is already in place, would maybe need some trail maintenance. This proposal is a better option – no disturbing of the river, no footbridge maintenance. LWC seemed enthusiastic about this proposal.
Betsey has also spoken to them regarding a sidewalk from school to 4H grounds as the Rail Trail is one of the most popular, there was concern about the access to the 4H via the old back road as it is not winter maintained. The road between the Town Hall and the Central School also needs winter maintenance. Next meeting of LWC is August 23.

Invasive Species – Mel is setting up program, time and room. Probably can be sponsored by CC alone at the Town Hall. Lyn will do the presentation (Power Point) Consensus was sometime in October. Mel will try to promote some attendance at the LWC meeting.

Saunders Pasture – Follansbee is haying the upper field. Rebecca just walked trail – trail needs better definition and some maintenance. Burr has big brush hog machine, Joe will contact Burr and arrange a day of brush cutting.

Mill Pond – Some confusion with parking – not marked well. People think that both spots are for handicapped parking only. Kim has wooden “parking” sign, maybe set the “parking” sign with an arrow to help delineate the two parking areas.

Mohan Easement M/L 14-84 – Potential 167 acres of Conservation Easement. Mel says that property already has many trails running through it, some old logging roads which connect to a beaver pond and meadowland. Owner wants to sell development rights. The property will need to be appraised. CC gave copy of letter to Open Space Committee; Open Space has given out packets to their committee. Suggestions to call Brenda Lind, PWA and Gordon Russell, maybe joint effort by these committees.

Subdivisions 12/89 & 12/88 – Indian Falls & Campbell Pond – Cyndie left notes and map with comments for review. Areas of concern need to be addressed with Planning Board. Should the PWA be asked to take over and monitor easement? Markers are currently in place-should be monitored soon before markers are down or lost. Joe makes motion to ask PWA to accept and monitor the easement, motion is seconded, vote – aye.
Ask the PWA to accept and monitor the easement on M/L 12-89. Betsey will check with Nic on some issues and timing and Joe will write letter.

Master Plan Questionnaire – Results of the questionnaire were handed out to members due to time everyone will read them at home and make comments at next meeting.

Meeting ended at 9:25 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Kim Burkhamer