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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/07/2005


Present: Balke, Burkhamer, Dodge, Nangle, Tupper, Wilson
        Guests: Reporter Joe Edgerton from Goffstown News, Karin Cannon, realtor, Pat   Jennings and Donna Fairbarne from Foot Traffic and Road Committee
Treasurer’s Report: $191,581.29
Secretary’s Report: will be available for August meeting
Invasive Species: Positive comments from those who attended Lyndeboro presentation. New Boston’s program to be scheduled for early October; planning discussion tabled to August meeting.
Saunders Pasture: Kim presented parking lot sign routed by her husband Steve. To be stained gray with black lettering. Other signs for CC properties expected to be done in a similar style and color.
        Betsey has reviewed the property with WHIPP office and Rebecca reported on her walk through. Trail needs more specific definition, esp. in the field and on its return through the stone wall. Work date to be fixed at a future meeting.
Beard Road/Rightway Builders Update: Kim reported their meeting was postponed.
Mill Pond Conservation Area: Received $113.08 from Maureen Mansfield’s second graders. To be deposited and used for a sign.

Railroad Trail: “Corrected Warranty Deed signed and notarized to transfer ownership to the Town of New Boston as this property was passed in the 1970’s to CC which cannot hold property on its own.  NBCC will pay attorney fees of $257.50 for this work and other legal work performed re: the “triangle piece” which was donated.
Tax Map2/98: Karin Connors, agent for Don Prouty, presented a 10 acre parcel which abuts the Middle Branch CA and the river and is for sale for $199K. Decided to forward the proposal to the Open Space Committee for their consideration, possibly to purchase of development rights from present or future owner. Cyndie will contact the committee.
Wetlands: Informational only--DES has received a request to build a retention dam as part of the Rightway Beard Road subdivision. As subdivision plans develop this will be addressed by CC.
Foot Traffic and Road Safety Committee: Dona Fairbarne and Pat Jennings reported on their grant proposal for sidewalks and a walking trail and bridge to connect downtown with the Post Office. They requested a CC member to join their steering committee; Betsey will contact Melissa to take this on.  Grant proposal due 8/1. Present proposal does not involve bridge abutments on Mill Pond CA, but the committee was advised to contact Pete Helms about the use of the Mill Pond trail for this project since this property was purchased with LCIP funds in the early 90’s.

Respectfully submitted,
Cyndie Wilson, Secretary