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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/02/2005

MINUTES FROM June 2, 2005

Present:  Burkhamer, Dodge, Philippy, Nangle, Tupper, Wilson

Reports: Treasurer: absent
        Secretary: Minutes accepted as written.

Invasive Species Presentation:  Hannah Proctor reviewed her and Lyn Lombard’s proposed presentation. As PWA volunteers, they will focus on 14 invasive species and play to publish fact sheets on their website, fact sheets to area highway departments, and informational pamphlets. NBCC members will attend the Lyndeboro presentation on June 6.

Waldorf Estates:  Cyndie and Burr attended the Planning Board onsite for a new lot in Phase 3. CC will send a letter to the Planning Board expressing concern for the present driveway plans which would cross a newly formed wetland area. At the onsite, Bedford Design representative indicated this area would be marked for our inspection. Kim has been in touch with DES to investigate the need for further wetland permitting.

Saunders Pasture: Kim’s husband will create the parking lot sign; Burr will work on the informational kiosks this summer; Brenda Lind has contacted Mrs. Follansbee about SPNHF’s possibly purchasing adjacent land, but she is not interested. Betsey will continue working with Mrs. F. toward a possible easement with no sale of the property.

Mill Pond: Melissa has removed the old gate and it is now in storage at her residence.

Beard Road/Rightway Bldrs: Kim Burkhamer and Kim DiPietro walked an alternative trail from the development to the Railroad Trail. The present trail is not safe for equestrian travel. See letters on file from DiPietro. Rightway is working with her on an alternative. Discussion of the topic was tabled until after Rightway presents his plans to the Planning Board as trail plans have changed since we last viewed them. Burkhamer to attend. Secretary to send letter to DiPietro, B of S, and PB with May minutes attached to inform/remind them of our wishes concerning this trail development.

Lull Rd.—TM 2/28:  Upon receiving a complaint from an abutter, Betsey asked the Building Inspector to take a look. He reported after the inspection on June 2 siltation fences are in place with a back up of woodchips from site logging, and there are no apparent violations of the wetlands.

Grade 2 Can Collection Donation: The three grade 2 classes have reaped $110 from their can collections this year. They would like to donate it to the CC to use at the Mill Pond. Rather than install a second granite bench, the CC decided to use the donation for materials and ask Steve Brukhamer to create the sign, routing the letters. The sign will be placed between the left-hand granite post and the Mill Street property boundary.

Open Space Committee:  The Commission performed a final review of the charter and selection criteria documents and via a motion from Tupper and a second from Nangle, authorized Betsey Dodge to sign the charter. (The criteria need no signature, but were approved to the degree it is the Commission’s job to do so.) Cyndie will communicate this to Ken Lombard via email.

Other: Money was collected from members for a farewell gift for Mary Carol Schaffrath who is moving and has resigned and for Rebecca Balke who has been appointed principal at the firm where she works.
        Pamphlets for SPNHF’s forest walk, PWA newsletter were shared.
        Intent to cut: Travis Daniels on Bunker Hill—old George Daniels farm

Respectfully submitted,
Cyndie Wilson, Secretary