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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/03/05

Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2005

Present: Nangle, Tupper, Dodge, Philippy, Burkhamer , Schraft and Balke

Treasurer’s Report: $191,123.89 (accepted as submitted) Bridge account $1,282.47

Minutes: February’s minutes approved as read.

Thank you note to Bo Strong for plowing the Railroad Trail entrances on Gregg Mill Road. Melissa to write Thank you note.

        Beard Road –Discussion of proposed Conservation Easement. Cyndie’s comments valid. Melissa concerned with #B under the reserved rights in easement, would need to be removed The Use Limitations allow for fencing and fencing would limit or eliminate the open access. The development plans seem to fluctuate frequently. Might be best to let B. Todd and R. Martin that CC is interested but would need to wait on final plans. Betsey will speak with B. Todd.
        Morin – Tax Map/Lot 007-074, Joe and Betsey had done an on-site previously (minimum expedited). The applicant is now required to adjust the road access. A new on-site will be needed, but due to snow was delayed. Joe and Betsey ask that the commission will give them authority to sign off on the revised application (after on-site) as the deadline for the revised application is before the next scheduled CC meeting. Commission members granted permission.

Lull Road Corporation – Kim attended ZBA/Planning Board Joint Hearing. This proposed gravel operation will have considerable impact on both areas of wetlands as well as the river. The wetland areas may be dredged and used as ponds, and the erosion control measure that will be put into place to protect the river will reduce the natural run-off by at least one-half. Need to write letter to State, DES, PWA, ZBA, Planning Board, and Selectmen re; very concerned with wetland areas, loss of natural runoff and regeneration of river is of significant importance, wildlife habitat will be seriously affected. Also, send letter to ZBA requesting larger buffer areas IF the variance is granted. Kim will give Burr background and information from meetings and Burr to write letter. Burr and Kim to attend Hearing on March 15.

Mohan, Tax Map/Lot 014-084 – Will be subdividing off the house lot (Half and Half farm). Will be timbering the open acreage, then plans are for conservation easements, with maybe 2 house lots. No development plans, land to stay as open space.

Clark – Land has not been subdivided since it was a King’s Grant. Land was left/given to 2 brothers and they are each taking one half. So far, no plans for subdivision.

Steep Slopes Update – A protest petition was given to the Town. Ordinance must pass by a “super majority” or 2/3 vote. The law does not require that this be put on warrant altering voters that a majority vote is needed, only necessary for the moderator to announce at open of polls.

Hillsborough County Conservation Commission – WHIP
William O’Brien is representative, sent CC informational letter regarding WHIP. Letter to make CC aware that funding has increased, that new programs are available and asking us for our involvement. Betsey will answer letter.

Bluepoint Ecological – sent e-mail to CC soliciting business.

It is with regret and sorrow that we accepted and read a letter of resignation from Mary Carol. She will be moving to Hopkinton.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer

Approved April 7, 2005