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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/03/05


Present: Balke, Dodge, Burkhamer, Nangle, Philippy, Tupper, Wilson

Treasurer: Bank statement reflects balance of $118,773.84; does not include recent deposit of $72,336 from 2004 Current Use penalties. No change in Bridge Account.

Secretary: With minor editing, minutes from January were accepted as written.

Easements:  Priorities need to be listed to help with consistency in accepting easements. This item to be discussed at a later meeting.

Dodge Storage, Rt. 77: CC received a copy of Jim Dodge’s letter to the DES with a plan for curative measures which include a retaining wall. Letter on file.

Conservation Easement--Right Way Builders, Beard Road, 5/52-1, 50, 51: Builder Rick Martin and agent Bob Todd presented Condominium Site Plan for a Residential Retirement Community. The slope which abuts the Railroad Trail plus two smaller areas and a perimeter trail were proposed as a Conservation Easement to be overseen by the CC. The Commission tentatively agreed to accept the easement over the larger proposed parcel (the slope) and the trail because of its location abutting the Railroad Trail which is under easement as well. Martin presented copies of the Declaration drafted by his attorney for members to review for discussion at the March meeting. Desired changes are to be reported in writing to Martin: Right Way Builders, 99 Tenney Hill Rd., Dunbarton 03046 (tel. 533-7504).

Developments: TM 3/5, West Lull Rd. Tris Gordon Gravel Permit. Kim reported that the developer will go to the ZBA in March for a special exception. Kim will write a letter to the B of S, ZBA, and PB noting our concerns re: wetlands and river and to notify them that CC has contacted DES about the matter.

Tabled:  Cyndie’s report on the NHCC Annual Meeting. Cyndie submitted her receipt for attendance for remittance.

PWA: program about Funding for Land Protection on 2/12

Recreation Dept. Lee Brown called Betsey with concerns about a sink hole at the ball field on Old Coach Rd. Wonders if it’s an old stump dump. Betsey will inform him that we will have to wait until snow melts; then, if it’s a wetlands issue they will have to go through proper permitting.

Melissa reported on the litter prevention materials from M. Barone. After discussion it was decided that no further action is required of us.
WHIPP: Check will be sent to town office to cover work done at Saunders Pasture.

From Planning Board:
1.      Shaw/Clark—TM 11/113 & 11/117, Joe English/Lewis Roads. Lot line adjustment. This is a property which has never been subdivided since the King’s Grant, and has long been on the open space wish list. Kim will follow events.
2.      Nixon, Janet and David—TM 7/58—Lyndeborough Rd. Proposal of a 3 lot subdivision—no wetland issues.
3.      Palmer, Heidemarie & John—TM 11/18—2 lots—no wetland issues.

Other Business: Kim reported from the Open Space Committee. Some citizens in town are discussing creation of a land conservation agency to protect lands not under PWA or NBCC. Report from committee on file.

Respectfully submitted,

Cyndie Wilson