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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/13/05
JANUARY 13, 2005

Present: Nangle, Tupper, Dodge, Philippy, Burkhamer and CITIZEN

Treasurer’s Report: Balke not present

Minutes: December’s minutes approved as read.

Town Report: Joe to write report, Betsey to ask Becca to e-mail Treasurer’s report to Kim, Conservation Members list is correct.

        Beard Road – Bob Todd is re-working plans, Melissa sat in on Planning Board Hearing. There are concerns about this open space area. The area in question abuts the Railroad trail, but has steep slope access. Bob should present in February. Kim DiPeitro from the Piscataquog Trail ways, requested a right of way to Hillsborough County 4 H for horse traffic. Developer thinks that this right of way would run onto Howard Townes Land. Seems to be some misunderstanding. Will wait to hear presentation in February.

        Fehsinger - May be able to have the survey done at a lower rate. Still very interested, may be on the agenda for next month.

Dredge and Fill:
        LeClair – Map 009-024-004 for a 6-house subdivision. First plan submitted did not have headers to hold up banking and direct the water properly. One culvert did not need the header. New plans seem to address our concerns. Motion from Burr to sign off on new plans, Kim seconds motion. Voted unanimously to sign off.

New Boston Speaks:
        Burr summarized report from Foot Traffic/Road Safety Committee, regarding the grant application to be presented in Concord for Livable, Walkable Communities. Burr’s summary follows;
Stated Problems
§       Few sidewalks, and those that exist are poorly maintained.
§       Dangerous Intersections.
§       Limited parking.
§       No walking or bicycle paths.
§       Excessive speed and noise from traffic.
§       Few alternative roads for cross-town traffic.
§       Daily traffic thru town has increased by 48% since 1996.
§       Short term-Improve placement of crosswalks in village.
§       Mid term-Slow traffic and decrease noise.
§       Long term-Extend safe right-of-ways (more sidewalks).

Report was well done but some issues for our attention;
There was some discussion on bridge over river from conservation land to post office and new library, if library is built. Conservation does not own all the land to river, it is privately owned. Would need to purchase the land or a right-of-way to build bridge.
Increase in population is an issue to safety and traffic, the Master Plan should address that issue in traffic and future land use. Hope to have the Historical Society apply for historical status for Town Center, maybe will help with traffic and safety concerns.
Land Use Change Tax increase was proposed by the Conservation commission NOT Open Space Committee.
Foot Bridge was NOT built by volunteers

Lull Road Corporation:
        Deb Keiner asked to be included on the agenda to speak of concerns over the proposed gravel operation. She expressed concern over the clear cut and the lack of erosion control. Brought pictures of areas clear-cut close to river. Wanted to see if Conservation commission was aware of the situation and could anything be done. There was some discussion of the history of the project, read letters from D.E.S. to Lull Road and Lull Road’s reply to D.E.S. Explained that State Forester had been on site 3 times, nothing can be done regarding clear-cut. Conservation can become involved only if there is a wetland crossing or violation.
Discussion after Deb left – send letter to Selectmen – Conservation actively approached by citizens concerned about runoff into the river and the wetlands. Would appreciate an on-site visit by code enforcer ASAP.
Contact State, NH Fish and Game, Ducks Unlimited – ask for involvement.

Invasive Species;
        Lyn Lombard gave presentation in Greenfield, which went very well. The presentation is appx. 1 hour. She would like to give presentation here. Burr suggests that Conservation sponsor an evening for the presentation. Maybe use new church meeting room, ask other committees to come. Maybe in March? Would need to advertise, newspapers, postings, web site. Maybe ask P.W.A. to co-sponsor evening? Discuss more in February.

        Logging operation is going well, will request State Forester to walk property again. Discussion on approaching Alice Follansbee, offer to buy land or right-of-way, that would connect the Middle Branch Trail and Saunders Pasture. Burr suggested that someone should approach her personally, before sending an official request. Betsey will visit and ask.

RSA regarding Conservation Land Use by Public;
        Concerns over lack of enforcement of Conservation Land Use Policies. Kim DiPietro (Forestry Committee) has been having similar issues. State has RSA’s that Towns can enforce use policies when requested by duly commissioned bodies. Copies of pertinent RSA’s were handed out, will discuss at next meeting.

Town Report;
        Joe to finish and e-mail to Kim.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer