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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/07/2010

In Attendance: Burr Tupper, Barbara Thomson, Mark Brown, Tom Morgan, Laura Bernard, Joel Bedard, Mike Depetrillo, Rick Searle
Interested Parties: Gordon Russell, Barry Wicklow, Cyndie Wilson with Steve Walker, Office of Energy & Planning
Minutes: September Minutes Approved (with changes)
Treasurers Report: Not Available

Burr read a letter of thanks that he received from “ xxx” along with a check for $250 for the Conservation Commission. Burr will write a thank-you note from the commission.  

Barry Wicklow gave a talk about the Brooktrout Project.  He passed around an example of the reporting and we saw the Bailey Pond Brook report.  He explained that there were four primary goals:
  • DNA study to determine divergence of species
  • Identify quality spawning streams
  • Determine the quality of the fish
  • Check the water quality
The focus of next year’s work will be to follow up with the highest quality streams and then eventually move on to other parts of the watershed.

Cyndie Wilson introduced us to Steve Walker from the Office of Energy & Planning.  His office does LCIP Monitoring and Cyndie had been their primary contact at CC. Steve will contact Laura for information regarding a primary contact person.  Steve explained their focus is the 2 parcels on Lyndeborough Rd and 1 parcel on Mill Pd.   These three parcels should be monitored annually to the best of our ability.   The LCIP rep will visit the properties every 4-5 years and fill out a field visit report.  The LCIP encourages CCs to hire summer interns to do some of the monitoring.  

Conservation Signage:  Laura still needs to follow up with the company who originally made the signs and obtain a quote to fix the wording on the signs that currently read trail rather than area.  She also needs to order an additional sign for Lyndeborough Rd.
Barbara was able to get Randy Parker to choose the sign he wants regarding dog poop.
Ken Lombard asked Barbara Thomson to modify the signage proposal (for the deRoth and Chancey properties), because he thought that the NBCC would have to provide signage for property acquired with USDA NRCS monies.  Mr. Bedard moved to allocate $500 for such a purpose.  Mr. Petrillo seconded and all approved.  (After the meeting, Ken Lombard determined that property acquired by NRCS money does not need signage).

Rick will coordinate the setting of 3 posts - two signs on the Rail Trail and the one sign on Lyndeborough.  Mike will supply the cement.  
Mark’s reimbursment – Mark indicated he had still not been reimbursed for the t-shirts he ordered.  Laura will follow up with the bookkeeper, Karen Craven.
Cul-de-Sacs – Burr discussed the cul-de-sac ‘issue’ and Joel is going to work on a write-up from the CC to land owners and developers explaining our views. We would also make this available on our website.  
Planning Board Meetings – All those present at the meeting had reviewed the Planning Board schedule that Laura published and agreed to cover the meetings assigned.  
Lorden Property – Burr shared his conversation with Dana Lorden regarding the open space conservation land as part of the subdivision.  Dana was in favor of giving the property to the town versus having the property owned by a homeowners association.  The PLC has indicated they would be open to holding the easement.  Burr is scheduled to meet with Paula Bellmore on October 18th at a time to be decided.
NAPA Sitewalk - Burr will contact Ray Shea to schedule a site walk and notify the rest of the Conservation Commission members as to the date and time.  
Middle Branch – Joel to talk with Scott regarding the pull in at Middle Branch

Filing – Laura will schedule an evening in Jan. or Feb. for member volunteers to meet at the Town Hall to review the Conservation Commission files and get them is some sort of order.  Laura will supply file folders, labels, etc…

Mowing at Saunders Pasture – Mark motioned to allow Burr and Tom (who volunteered to take over for Burr as monitor), to contact Glen or Roger and have them mow (no junipers).  Joel 2nd and all were in favor.

Trash Pickup – As a follow up to our discussion at the last meeting, Burr spoke with Burton Reynolds about hiring someone to routinely walk the conservation lands and pick up trash.  

Meeting Adjourned       
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Bernard