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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/05/2010
In Attendance: Barbara Thompson, Amy Elkes-Simon, Mark Brown, Ed Gilligan, Laura Bernard

Interested Parties: Raymond P. Shea, Senior Project Manager w/ Sandford Surveying and Engineering

Minutes: July Minutes Approved as Written

Treasurers Report:      None Available

Napa Propery: Raymond Shea from Sandford Surveying and Engineering came to ask for Conservation Commission approval for a proposed driveway for access to back lots.  The consensus of those in attendance was that a site walk would be necessary and Laura will pass along the contact information to Burr Tupper.  

Conservation Signage:  Discussion regarding the signs raised concerns that the word “Trail” had been incorrectly included.  It was agreed that we should review the signs and come up with a solution to ‘fix’ the wording.
Barbara made a motion to change all the signs where the word ‘trail’ was shown to read ‘area’.  Amy seconded, all were in favor.  
Barbara moved to get a quote from the company who made the signs to fix them and Ed seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
Mark moved to authorize the payment of $2,500 for the signs.  Ed seconded and all were in favor.
Based on a request for a landowner, Mark asked if we could add signage indicating no dog dodo along the walking trails.  Barbara will add that to our list of signs.

Inventory of Town Properties: Barbara is working on putting together a comprehensive list of town owned properties and will work with Laura to finish that list.

Invasive Species Update: Amy and Barbara met with Hannah and discussed:
        -Guidelines to create site-specific plans as needed
        -Guidelines should be referenced in the Master Plan
        -All site walks to monitor or check wetlands, should also include checking for invasive
-We should work through the process to get the invasive species guidelines added to the
  Master Plan All town departments should be consulted before any invasive species plan is carried out.
- Laura will investigate the process to change the Natural Resources part of the Master Plan.

Meridian Land Svc – we reviewed the Environmental Report for Twin Bridge.

At the request of Burr, Laura will make copies of the 2010 Tax Maps for any Conservation Commission member.  Please let Laura know if you’d like a set of Maps

Meeting Adjourned                                                       Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Bernard