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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/01/2010

In Attendance: Chairman Burr Tupper, Joel Bedard, Rick Searle, and Laura Bernard

Interested Parties: David Daniels and Michael P. Seraikas

Minutes: June Minutes Approved as Written

Treasurers Report:      Open Space       $447,580.93
                                Total:          $718,018.63

Eastern Brook Trout Coalition: Rick brought the motion to approve a $10,000 check for funding the program.  Joel 2nd the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Conservation Signage:  The next trail to have signage put up will be the Rail Trail followed by Lyndeborough Road sometime in July/August.  Rick will coordinate with people regarding installation of signs this month.

RSA-36-a – Burr shared his conversation with the Board of Selectmen regarding the RSA and he was told that a member of the Conservation Commission could be a member of the Planning Board, but we could not have an alternating CC member sitting on the board.  We could however choose to rotate CC members at the meetings in the audience.   
Burr visited a site on Laurel Lane where a complaint had been lodged.  From the road Burr saw some issues and provided that information to Ed Hunter, Building Inspector.  

At the request of Burr, Laura will make copies of the 2010 Tax Maps for any Conservation Commission member.  Please let Laura know if you’d like a set of Maps.

Tris Gordon/Twin Bridge: Burr shared with us the letter he has written to the Planning Board regarding the 100’ setback on Twin Bridge Road.  Jed Callen had reviewed the letter and provided some useful feedback.  The letter will be sent to the Planning Board this week.  

David Daniels is working to settle an estate and came to the CC (along with Michael Seraikas a Certified Wetland Scientist), to get sign-off on their site plan with a wetlands crossing.  It was decided that we would meet with them on site (Bog Road), on Wednesday, July 7th at 6:30.  Laura will send email to CC membership with invitation to join them on site.

Burr brought in copies of the 4th of July brochures.  A young man in town did the design work, and it was thought that he might be used by our Brochure Committee to help with the Conservation Commission brochure.  Burr will provide the committee with his contact info.  

New Business:
Burr wants to set up a site walk at the site of 3 proposed lots on Francestown Rd. (Lots 004-014, 004-014-001 and 004-014-002).  He will contact Rick Coller to arrange some evening (~6:30), to do the site walk.

We concluded our July meeting with a brief brainstorming session where we discussed ideas for doing some community outreach and for providing PR opportunities for the Conservation Commission.   Some of the ideas included:
Expansion of Winter Carnival activities
Octoberfest at Middlebranch?
Tank at the Central School/Library
Fishing Classes at the Library
Educational sessions at the Library (results of the Eastern Brook Trout Coalition)
Articles in the Bulletin
        Trout Intern
        Land Acquisitions

Meeting Adjourned                                                       Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Bernard