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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/06/2010
New Boston Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
May 6, 2010

In Attendance: Chairman Burr Tupper, Barbara Thomson, Amy Elkes-Simon, Mike DePetrillo, Joel Bedard, Mark Brown, Tom Morgan, Laura Bernard

Interested Parties: Ken Lombard, Gordon, Pam

Minutes: April Minutes Approved as written

Treasurers Report: Unavailable

New Members: Burr Tupper welcomed new members Laura Bernard and Amy Elkes-Simon

Conservation Signage: Burr presented a bill form $645 for the sign, brand and installation of the Betsy Dodge Conservation Trail.  Commission approved for payment.

Additional signs need to be put up – (1) at the Saunders Pasture and (2) for the Railroad Trail.  Burr will send out an email to coordinate volunteers to install the signs.  Mike volunteered to pick up cement.

General discussion regarding parking area – it was decided that John Reindeau or Scott Elliot would be contacted.

Update from Open Space Committee:  Ken Lombard reported that he has two Farm & Ranch Protection Programs (FRPP), he’s working on.  One is for $100k with DeRoth and the other is for $50k with the Marden Trust.  He also discussed the ongoing dealings with Thibeault Sand and Gravel over the corn field/gravel pits land and asked for support from the Conservation Commission in pursuing the purchase of those parcels.

Invasive Species: Barbara & Mark worked to put together the framework for an invasive species plan.

A motion was made by Joel to accept the plan as written and seconded by Mike.  The following discussion took place:

Gordon from the PLC commented that as the monitor of the Saunders Pasture Conservation land, he was disturbed when he found that there had been spraying done to combat invasive species that had caused injure to non-invasive species.

 Burr suggested that there should be a plan for all conservation properties in town.

Mark indicated that the Conservation Commission should not use herbicides or chemicals be used at all.
Joel suggested keeping all options open, but whenever possible try and use non-chemical options.

Joel said he would investigate UNH resources and a committee was formed to help with the New Boston Conservation Commission Invasive Species Plan. Committee members will include Amy, Joel, Mike and Barbara.

The original framework plan was voted on and approved unanimously.

Eastern Brooktrout Project: Burr introduced a discussion about funding a summer intern with a $5,000 grant from the Conservation Commission.  

Barbara asked for additional information, specifically what benefits would there be for the Town of New Boston.

Burr indicated that the work would be done in New Boston and would involve monitoring water temps & mapping town culverts.

Mark made a motion to appropriate “not to exceed $10,000 for funding the Eastern Brooktrout Project, pending a budget and time-table.

Tom seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously

Cul-de-Sac Meeting: Joel brought up a discussion about cul-de-sacs based on feed-back he had heard after a special Planning Board meeting on that topic.  Joel heard that people at the meeting felt that the Conservation Commission had shifted focus by supporting the Fire & Police department view (ie. no support for any cul-de-sac over 1,000’).  Burr indicated he had supported their ‘safety’ concerns but stood by the Conservation Commission singular focus on protecting wetlands.  Barbara suggested that Burr put in writing the Conservation Commission view on cul-de-sacs so there would be no room for misunderstandings in the future.  

Burr will work on writing up a Mission Statement for the Conservation Commission and will also be working on a Conservation Commission handbook available on CD for all members.

New Business:

Burr asked for the formation of a Brochure Committee – Burr will email Ed and Rebecca regarding that project.

Burr would like to strengthen the wetlands section of the New Boston Zoning Ordinance this year and get this to the Planning Board by December.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Bernard