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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/07/2010
Minutes of the Conservation Commission
January 7, 2010

PRESENT: Tupper, Bedard, Burkhamer, Wilson, Brown, Gilligan, Thompson

INTERESTED PARTIES/APPLICANTS: Elliot Konner, Rick Searle, Tom Morgan, Mike DePetrillo

MINUTES: Accepted as written

TREASURERES REPORT: Presented by Tupper via email from Balke
        $707,769.83 with $447,825.44 available for land purchase

Betsey Dodge Memorial
        Tupper met with Selectmen and presented proposal for committee and disbursement for the Memorial Foundation Fund. Money is coming in and a spreadsheet is being used to keep track of funds.  Discussion ensued and ideas on this subject were presented.  Wilson and Brown appointed to a sub-committee to create a preliminary plan.
        Tupper was approached by Sharon Mullen of the 4H – they would also like to fund some type of memorial to Betsey for all of her work and support for the 4H foundation over the years.  Tupper will return to them with some suggestions.
Signage for the Betsey Dodge Conservation Area – delay is due to the wood needing to be cured, the posts have been placed. Burkhamer to call Mr. Herget for time for the sign to be completed.

Annual Town Report
        Wilson completed the Conservation Commission contribution to the Town Report.  Betsey Dodge will be one of the dedications this year.

Stewardship Form
        Presented to committee, discussion followed on setting up two folders – having one for the office and one for the field. Very good form, good work! Will be put in use for all monitored properties, except LCIP.

Guidelines for Planning Board
        Discussion on this document will continue.

Trail Work with Jackie Moulton
        Brown spoke with Jackie, this will be an ongoing project and can include many trail activities. Bedard spoke with Paula Bellemore at PLC, they have a GPS available for mapping trails.

Informational Packet
        Tupper distributed copies of documents to committee members.  Summary on file.

Resignation letter from Cyndie Wilson
        With regret, a letter of resignation effective March 2010, was accepted from Wilson.  Cyndie, it has been an honor to serve with you for all these years, you have taught me so much and you have made New Boston a better place through your efforts.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer