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Solid Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes 09/28/06
September 28, 2006
Somesville Fire Station

1.  Attendance:  Members - Nick Burnett, Lee Patterson, Phil Lichtenstein, Tony Smith, and Chris Breedlove.  Guest - Mickey Chateau.

2.  Accepted minutes of the May 25, 2006 meeting.  We did not meet in June, July or August.  

3A.  Tony Smith reported that a.) the CES options study report was still in the process of being finalized and that b.) EMR is now accepting office paper.  He will check into the process for disposing of the paper at the facility and report at a later meeting.  Also, c.) the HHW and UW collection day is scheduled for 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on October 28, 2006 at MDIHS.  Tony Smith, Chris Breedlove and Phil Lichtenstein committed to volunteering at the event.

3B. The committee voted 5-0 (PL-TS) to support the Board of Selectmen's suggestion to relocate the Seal Harbor beach dumpsters to town owned property adjacent to the Village Market.

3C. Tony Smith noted that the Town of Bar Harbor considered a pay-as-you-throw method of trash disposal.  As reported by the local press, the idea was dropped, primarily, due to staffing and cost reasons.

3D.  The committee agreed to have as many members as possible attend a meeting of the Board of Selectmen when we present periodic reports to them.  We had hoped to have had a report to them by now during 2006 but have not.

3E.  Assignments:  Tony Smith will see that the dumpsters are relocated in Seal Harbor.

4.  Next meeting scheduled for October 26, 2006.

5. Adjourned.