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Solid Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes 02/23/06
February 23, 2006- Somesville Fire Station

1.  Call to Order.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tony Smith at 4:30 p.m.  In attendance were Kathy Branch, Nick Burnett, Mel Everly, Mildred Johnson, Joelle Nolan, and Lee Patterson.

Tony welcomed Nick to our Committee.  The Board of Selectmen approved his appointment at its most recent meeting.

2.  Consideration of minutes of February 2, 2006 meeting.  Minutes were approved as circulated.

3.  Role of our Local Solid Waste and Recycling Committee, including its relationship to the ADD.  We determined that our Committee acts as the pulse of the Town and is a support system for ADD.  Education, particularly in the schools, is still a focus.  We also serve as a sounding board for Tony who relies on our feedback.

4.  ADD Update – Solid Waste Options e.g. CES studies; curbside collection of MSW recyclables; ADD transfer station; recycling trailer; etc.  Tony gave a brief presentation of the CES plan for an ADD transfer station in Trenton.  It was agreed that since ADD is moving forward, rather rapidly, we will postpone plans for a recycling trailer.  By the time we could push this or something similar through, ADD could very well be close to providing many of the options we have been considering.  Our current contract with EMR expires June 31, 2007.  It is likely we will need to either extend our contract or enter into a new contract because in all probability it will take 2 years for a new transfer station to be up-and-running from the date the decision is made to construct.

5.  Regular Business
A.  EMR universal waste proposal.  EMR is proposing to host Uniwaste Services for six collection days through the year (if accepted, beginning the second Saturday in March, then May, July, September, November, and January).  The annual cost of $3,018 will be divided amongst the member towns on a percentage basis using the same formula used to assess portions of the annual ADD budget.  People that go to EMR to drop off UW will be required to pay for it themselves based on the schedule of costs presented to each town by EMR.  Universal Waste includes devices containing cathode ray tubes (CRT’s) such as computer monitors and television sets; rechargeable batteries; mercury switches, thermometers, thermostats, and blood pressure cuffs; fluorescent, neon, mercury vapor, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium lamps; also, PCB ballasts found in fluorescent lights.

An addendum, regarding UW, to our current contract with EMR was approved by the Board of Selectmen at its February 21, 2006 meeting.
B.  ADD update.  Bill McGuinnes is expected to be named as the representative from Cranberry Isles on March 13, 2006.

Joelle will keep this Committee advised of ADD meeting agendas and she reminded us that approved minutes are posted to the ADD website .

C.  Assignments per Committee member.  See 5D.

D.  Discuss contents and process for preparation of our quarterly Board of Selectmen’s report.  As discussed at the last meeting, we will probably use the spreadsheet of solid waste and recycle data that Joelle maintains.  All members are encouraged to come to the next meeting with ideas.

E.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.  None presented.

F.  Input from attending public.  None present.

6.  Next meeting:  4:30 PM, Thursday, March 23, 2006.  (Our regular meeting schedule is 4:30 PM on the 4th Thursday of the month.)

7.  Adjournment.  Meeting adjourned at 5:19 p.m.