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Solid Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes 06/07/05
JUNE 7, 2005

1.  Call to Order.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tony Smith at 4:55 p.m.  In attendance were Chris Breedlove, Joelle Nolan, and Lee Patterson.

2.  Approval of minute’s of April 7, 2005 meeting.  Minutes from the April 7, 2005 meeting were accepted unanimously 3-0.

3.  Regular Business
A.  Old Corrugated Cardboard progress update.  Tony reported that businesses are cooperating and several have purchased or leased dumpsters specifically for OCC.  In May we deposited 3 ½ tons of OCC at EMR (Southwest Harbor transfer station) in addition to what was collected at the Sargeant Drive recycling drop-off center.  Tony estimates a $27 per ton savings, even though we pay $50 per ton at EMR.  He plans to talk with Coastal Recycling in Hancock; they might accept OCC at no charge.

B.  Summary of Earth Day Roadside Clean-up event.  Tony and his wife joined the team from the Knowles Company; he commented on the great success of the event. [not discussed at the meeting, but something for the committee to think about would be to participate, as the committee, next year, jdn]

C.  Brief Discussion:  Household Hazardous Waste and Universal Waste collection day:  Scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 2005, hopefully at MDI High School.  The location will be finalized by Hancock County Planning Commission.  Volunteers to assist with collection and traffic control are needed.

D.  Backyard composter update.  We have ordered 20 composters (the Darth Vader model) and they will arrive at the Town Office in late June.  At that time, we will offer them for sale at cost ($36.50).  Discussion of various ways to advertise:  suggestion included Town website, Town newsletter; posters at Sargeant Drive recycling drop-off and at Town Office.

E.  Committee member’s reports.
Tony reported that glass collected at the Sargeant Drive recycling drop-off is now being taken to EMR and being recycled (rather than being hauled to Sawyer’s at a greater expense).
Acadia Disposal District:  Tony recounted several items from recent ADD meetings.  They have taken off the table the purchase of EMR, Inc.; they are investigating door-to-door pick up of household trash, with a direct haul to PERC; research of pay-as-you-throw appears to be more costly for year-round citizens; and the contract for the operation of the Ellsworth transfer station expires this summer – it is rumored that EMR may have put in a bid.

F.  Assignment per Committee member.  See G. below.

G.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.
Discussion regarding what is next for the committee resulted in several comments and ideas.  We would welcome specific direction from the Board of Selectmen as to what direction they would like us to take.  A Mission Statement was mentioned and Joelle noted that one had been written several years ago by then Chairman Ellen Kappes.  She will provide a copy to committee members.  We talked about the need for more members and how to generate more volunteers.  Some suggestions were: by word of mouth, the Town website (, posters at the Sargeant Drive recycling center & Town Hall, and announcements at the Board of Selectmen meetings.  Along with increased membership, we discussed the possible need for committee “rules”.  Joelle will draft a set for the next meeting.

H.  Input from attending public.  None in attendance

4.  Next meeting.  Tony suggested changing meeting dates to the fourth Thursday of each month because that date follows, by one week, the ADD meeting and precedes, by one week, the Board of Selectmen meeting at which Department Heads attend.  Therefore, the next meeting is scheduled for 4:30 PM, Thursday, July 28, 2005; at the Somesville Fire Station.

5.  Adjournment.  Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.