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Solid Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes 04/07/05

1.  Call to Order.  Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.  Also in attendance were Kathy Branch, Mildred Johnson, Phil Lichtenstein, and Lee Patterson.

2.  Approval of minutes of March 15, 2005 meeting.  Motion made and seconded (Patterson/Lichtenstein) to adopt the March 15, 2005 minutes as circulated.  A vote was called and the motion carried unanimously 4-0.

3.  Regular Business
A.  Summary of March 21, 2005 Board of Selectmen’s (BOS) meeting regarding the marina dumpsters.  The BOS have scheduled a public hearing on the issue for their regularly scheduled April 18, 2005 meeting.  It will be extremely advantageous for all members to attend this meeting in support of our recommendations about the dumpsters.  We are in hopes that newly elected selectman Kathy Branch will speak in support of our recommendations.  Phil said he will not be able to attend that meeting.

B.  Discuss results of BOS action regarding our recommendation to be made to them for their April 4, 2005 meeting regarding curbside collection equity – business and residential.  We voted at our February 7, 2005 meeting to provide each with one collection in the winter season and two in the summer.  If anyone requires additional collection, they are to contract with a private hauler.
This item will was not on the April 4 agenda, but will be discussed at the BOS April 18, 2005 meeting.

C.  Brief Discussion:  HHW and UW collection day:  Scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 2005, hopefully at MDI High School.  The location will be finalized by HCPC.  Volunteers to assist with collection and traffic control are needed.

D.  Brief Discussion:  A volunteer project sponsored by Friends of Acadia:  Earth Day Roadside Clean Up scheduled for 8:30 – 11:30 AM, Saturday, April 30, 2005.  Volunteers are welcome and needed.

E.  Committee member’s reports.  None.

F.  Assignment per Committee member.  None.

G.  Any other business as may be legally conducted.
        It was asked if the Town has a Litter Ordinance, and if so, what is it and is   it posted.
        Discussion of trash receptacles available for Northeast Harbor Marina and       Seal Harbor Beach parking lot.

H.  Input from attending public.  None present.

4.  Next meeting scheduled for 4:30 PM, Tuesday, May 3, 2005; Somesville fire station.

5.  Adjournment.  Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.