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Solid Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes 02/01/05
Town of Mount Desert
Solid Waste and Recycling Committee

February 1, 2005
1.      Call to order. Meeting called to order 4:30 p.m. Present were committee members
        Tony Smith, Mildred T. Johnson, Philip Lichtenstein and Kathy Branch.

2.      Approval of minutes January 4, 2005 meeting. Motion made, seconded (Tony Smith/Philip Lichtenstein), and unanimously carried to approve the minutes as

3.      Regular Business
        a.      Robert’s Rules of Order
Joelle provided Tony with a summary of “Parliamentary Procedure” including definitions of “majority” and “quorum”.  Copies were given to each member present.

b.      Earth Machine composters
Discussion to permit Tony to purchase 20 composters. Motion made, seconded (Branch/Johnson), and unanimously carried to approve this purchase. A signup sheet will be available at Town Meeting and if more than 20 signup, additional composters will be ordered.

c.      Household Hazardous Waste and Universal Waste – proposed October 2005 collection day
Tony will discuss with Hancock County Planning Commission how to advertise and promote this for public awareness and will report to the committee at a later meeting with the results.

d.      Cardboard update e.g. compliance, scheduled collection days for businesses
Change of schedule-businesses will be picked up on Monday along with Route 198, NEH, SH & OC. Remainder will be done another day.

e.      Equity of waste collection schedule – residential and commercial
Overview and discussion of number of times businesses are picked up versus residential. Motion made, seconded , (Johnson/Smith), unanimously carried to recommend to Selectmen at the February 7, 2005 meeting to have business waste picked up same number of times as residential, once a week in winter and twice a week in summer.

f.      Removal of newspapers and magazines from waste stream
Discussion about future removal of additional items from the waste stream. A management plan needs to be implemented to address the future recycling of additional materials.

g.      Town Dumpsters
Dumpsters at Seal Harbor Beach and Northeast Harbor Marina were discussed and will be mentioned to Selectmen. Motion made, seconded (Lichtenstein/Johnson), and unanimously carried to recommend to Selectmen that dumpsters at NEH Marina be eliminated and 1 additional dumpster be placed by the other dumpster in the Chamber lot.

Discussion about relocating the SH Beach Dumpster to the WW Treatment plant upon its completion, and to change the SH Beach and parking lot garbage cans to “Park” style receptacles. Motion made, seconded (Smith/Johnson) and unanimously carried, to do as described in previous sentence.

h.      Barry Pollard’s resignation from the Committee was accepted with regret. Philip will prepare a thank-you note for signatures at the next meeting.
Next meeting scheduled 4:30 P.M, Tuesday, March 1, 2005, Somesville Fire Station.

Adjournment. Meeting adjourned 5:50 p.m.