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Wastewater Cost Study Minutes 10-22-03
Wastewater Cost Study Committee
Minutes of October 22, 2003

Committee present: Bob Smallidge, Kathy Branch, Charlie Pugh, Jim Bright, Ted Bromage, Edith Dunham, Anne Funderburk, Bob Cawley and Jim Robinson

Excused Brian Pollard, George Peckham

Public present:  Mike MacDonald and Erma Smallidge

Call to order 6:50pm

Edith motion to adopt October 15, 2003 minutes as amended, seconded by Charlie. Passed. Bob Cawley abstained from vote.

Edith with presentation of fairness of septic owners and wastewater system users and year round and seasonal property owners. Placing a cap on the proposed support program would be fair for all septic owners but could be viewed as unfair for the property owners now connected to the wastewater systems.  

Ted feels that septic owners should not receive support greater than their portion paid in their taxes. He also feels that the Town should continue with the pump out program to continue to ensure safe drinking water.

Jim Robinson stated that a cap should be placed on the support program in the form of a fixed amount. How to provide a basis for the program. Base it on property value and treat year round and seasonal property owner equally. Even with this committee not charged to address the year round growth, this committee could set a precedence in addressing this long overlooked issue, our dwindling year round communities.

Anne Funderburk stated that whether your house is worth $100,000 or $400,000 the cost of the installation of a septic system might be equal. Anne feels that we need to offer the same support for all owners on an equal basis. To her this is not a support system.

Ted Bromage on the first point he still has his feelings that someone should not receive more than they have put into the wastewater systems in their taxes.  Then after hearing, Jim and Edith concurred that all should get the same amount, feeling that this would help control costs for those trying to buy a home in the town in which they grew up.

Edith Dunham if someone is just receiving $100 and the cost is $400, this may not be equal or fair.

Charlie agrees with Edith and that perhaps our proposed program needs a new title.  

Jim Robinson motion that we strike the italicized option 2 from Revision Two. Seconded by Anne. Passed. Bob C. abstained from vote.

Bob Cawley advised that the annualized pump out is approximately $50. and to address $7,000 for pipe replacement and chambers repair and cleanout is $4,000.

Jim Robinson with a conversation he had with Brent Hamor, CEO stated that he has done approximately 100 pump out inspections with very about 2% of the inspected systems not passing inspection. To retain the pump out requirement in our proposed program, the septic owners systems may show more longevity with proper maintenance.

Bob S. states that $800 annualized cost of a $10,000 septic system.

Cost of proposed program is $              which is 291 eligible systems based on $600 for expense of a septic system.

Mike MacDonald stated that the $600 figure would subsidize some septic owners since their taxes for the Wastewater system may be a lesser amount. He also recommends that we not include capital and keep the formula as easy as possible.

Charlie advised that the cost of installing a septic system varies due to many circumstances and variables.  

Ted Bromage stated we need to address the future and not past history. In order to obtain repair estimates, we would need to know average number of bedrooms.

Jim Robinson recommends having 2 or 3 contractors estimate septic system repairs. Then how to derive a formula for the support program for septic owners. $600 support if related to the tax base would be equal to a property value of $300,000. OM & Capital are about .9 mills each. Stated that to include septic owners capital would not be saleable to the public at this time.  We need to include the values of repairs in order to keep the figures elevated.  Support of $500 would be based on a pipe system plus pump out. Inflation factor would be included in the formula.

Jim Bright feels that we should include some of the capital in the support program. That any formula needs to be an easy calculation in view of personnel changes administrating the support program. Most new septic systems installed are chambered systems.  

Anne Funderburk stated that her wastewater pipe from her house to connect in the road is her responsibility. Recommends that we obtain figures from a couple of additional contractors to perform repair a few septic systems. In order to justify this to the public, we would need contractor estimates to be recorded as part of our basis.  

Ted Bromage will obtain repair estimates from George Carter, Blanchard & Gray, and Tim Gott for both a pipe system and a chamber system.  

Jim Robinson motion that the formula for the initial value of the grant would be the annualized cost of the repair of a pipe based septic system plus the annualized estimated cost of a pump out and would include the inflation factor of the previous year. Seconded by Jim Bright. Passed unanimous.

Edith stated that this seems a little weak at this time. Jim Robinson feels that once we have additional information to document this program, our basis will be warranted.

Jim Robinson will add a requirement that the CEO must inspect the system after a pump out to certify that the system has been pumped and inspected and meets the current standards in order to qualify for the support program.

Jim R. will forward the program to the attorney. He has requested that we all acknowledge receipt of the proposed program and send any comments to him before he sends this to the attorney.

Jim B. recommends that we hold a public hearing and invite the Board of Selectmen to attend the public hearing on November 12, 2003 6:30pm. Mike will notify the Selectmen of our meeting on November 12, 2003 at 6:30pm.

Next meeting November 5, 2003 6:45pm.

Jim Robinson indicates that we may need a minority report to present with our proposal to the Board of Selectmen and prepared for the November 5, 2003 meeting.

Kathy motion to adjourn, seconded by Anne. Adjourned  9:08pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Branch,
Recording Secretary