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Wastewater Cost Study Minutes 08-13-03
Minutes approved 09-03-2003     Page 1 of 2
Wastewater Cost Study Committee
Minutes of August 13, 2003

Committee Members Present: Edith  Dunham, Anne Funderburk, Bob Cawley, George  Peckham, Jim Robinson, Bob Smallidge,  Kathy Branch, Charlie Pugh and Jim Robinson.

Excused members: Brian Pollard and Ted Bromage

Public Present:  Marion Peckham, Erma Smallidge and Mike MacDonald

Called to order 6:50pm

Anne motion that we indicated on the website that the approved minutes are available at the Town Office for any interested members of the public. Agendas will be posted on the website. Seconded by Charlie.

Bob S. said the following “I would entertain a motion that Alan Joseph and Kathleen Graves be declared inactive members because of a lack of attendance and participation in the activities of this Committee.” Motion by Anne, seconded by Jim Bright, passed, unan.

Jim Robinson with update of the Town tax and Water District information. He has only 93% of the town property located on this information. He will continue to refine and will hope to have this prepared for our next meeting. Bob S. stated that we need to have complete information to provide proper documentation for any recommended proposals.
Bob Cawley is working on his information and hopes to have it available in the near future.

Bob S. with suggested changes for report for BOS. The Committee with discussion about placement of a deadline for our proposals. Mike MacDonald with timeline for proposals to be presented to the BOS no later than December 1, 2003. Jim Bright recommends that we have a deadline in place, George Peckham agreed. Charlie hopes that we will move as expediously as possible to have our proposals to the BOS in a timely manner.  

Jim B. motion for our next meeting we review and discuss our proposals only. George seconded. Passed, unan.

Anne stated that she would not take any comments on her proposal personally. They will be made about the proposed plan, not her personally.  Charlie Pugh personally wants us to not be bogged down in the number crunching, but the plans are to be reviewed subjectively.  Jim R. with a rating plan to categorize the proposed plans for our review purposes. Mike suggests if we are considering 7 plans with a ranking system 1 through 7 or 8 and we do this independently and present our individual results at a later meeting.
Suggestions for a proposed ranking system should be emailed to Jim R.

Jim B. is concerned that our proposed funding methods be legal. Title 30-A Section 5405 addresses what municipal officers shall establish for rates, fess, etc.  Charlie Pugh advises that any and all proposed plans be reviewed by the Town’s legal department and render their opinion before submitting these plans to the BOS. George recommends that George and Charlie take any proposed plans to present to the attorney. Jim R. suggests that we take only the proposed plans that make our short list to an attorney for review.

Next Meeting August 27, 2003 6:45pm Meeting Hall   Northeast Harbor

Bob S. motion to adjourn, seconded by Jim R. Passed.  Adjourned 8:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Branch,
Recording Secretary

Adopted 9/3/2003.