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Wastewater Costs Study Minutes 07-23-03
Minutes approved 09-03-2003     Page 1 of 3
Wastewater Cost Study Committee 
July 23, 2003

Committee members present Robert Smallidge, Jr. Kathy Branch, Jim Robinson, Anne Funderburk, Charles Pugh, Jim Bright, Bob Cawley, Ted Bromage, George Peckham and Edith Dunham.

Excused member: Brian Pollard

Public present  Marion Peckham, Erma Smallidge, Mike MacDonald and Tony Smith

Called to order 6:45pm

Bob Smallidge thanked Tony Smith, Mike MacDonald and Paul Slack for their time on the July 9, 2003 tours.

Tony Smith with presentation of anticipated short and long term costs for upgrades for Northeast Harbor and Somesville Wastewater Treatment Plants. With heavy rains today, pumps could not keep up. I & I is a problem and the pumps cannot keep up, larger pumps are considered and would help with this problem. Summit Road project has been engineered and needs only to be placed out to bid the funding may be through bonding. DEP license renewal is in process and each plant has its own license. Tony with overview of paperwork provided by Tony to Bob Smallidge. Six copies are available and if more are necessary, Mike will prepare them for our next meeting.  

George motion to approve minutes of June 25, 2003 be accepted as corrected, seconded by Ted. Passed.

No comments have been received from the public about our press release.
Bob Smallidge reported that he called Kathleen Graves and encouraged her to return to active participation in the WCSC. She replied “No thank you”. Bob S. and Kathleen discussed several of the reasons why she did not want to participate. Bob S. reported he had called Alan Joseph at least four times over a two-day period and left messages with his secretary. She informed him there was a message on Alan’s computer to return his call. Bob said he felt that Alan’s failure to respond indicated his lack of interest in being active on the Committee.  Bob sent a note to Rick Savage and was advised that the Board of Selectmen would prefer to not be involved with the elimination of committee members or to have new members installed to the committee. Bob also mentioned that the topic of ‘inactive members” was discussed at a recent BOS meeting (7 July). In response to questions by Selectmen Damon-Pascal and Patrick Smallidge, he said he had stated the concern of some Committee members that an inactive member who had not taken part in the work of the Committee might suddenly appear for a crucial vote. Selectmen Patrick Smallidge and Emily Damon-Pascal expressed feelings in agreement to those stated by Rick above. They also expressed their belief that voting privileges should be denied inactive members. Bob mentioned that other WCSC members present at the BOS meeting and hearing the discussion were: Kathy Branch, George Peckham and Jim Bright.       

George Peckham motion to adopt ‘Those WCSC members who have been determined by the Committee to be “inactive” in Committee affairs will lose voting privileges, not be included in Committee related mailings, and not be listed as members of the Committee in public communications.”  Seconded by Bob C., passed, unan.      

Committee reports discussion about Brian Pollard’s report. Jim Robinson on properties and valuation study, will have more available for our next meeting. Will have a draft emailed to all committee members in the near future.  Bob Cawley and Edith Dunham with update on wastewater funding solutions from other Maine towns. They feel they have adequate data from other Towns and will have a spreadsheet available at another meeting. Ted Bromage with update on metering options. A more in depth study will be done in the future.

Jim Robinson with Buy-out option, Jim believes that this should be considered since this was the only public comment received at our public hearing. Ted Bromage will discuss with Gerard Haraden the pros of the buy-out option.

Public Education about our committee’s activities was discussed. It was suggested that we might display our agendas and our meeting minutes on the Town website. Mike MacDonald inquired of Brent Hamor and Brent will advise him if he can add a link for the WCSC.  

Bob Cawley motion to have agendas, approved minutes, press releases and our mission statement available on the Town website, seconded by Anne. Passed.

 Next regular meetings will be August 13 and August 27.

Bob Cawley suggests a study of the unusual wastewater treatment systems in Town of Mount Desert. Tony advises the Town of Mount Desert is geographically spread out and 4 plants make it more expensive to operate. Tony advises that 2 men check the plants and obtain samples daily.  

Bob Smallidge feels strongly that we should do a preliminary evaluation of all proposals suggested for study, before selecting those plans to be developed in detail for possible recommendation to the BOS.

Edith recommends that we consider the option in Yarmouth that is to pay for up to one half or up to $6,000.00 for a septic repair or replacement fund. This is based on property valuation.  

Anne recommends that bedroom count and fixture count be segregated options and not combined in any proposed resolution. Anne also wants Jordan Pond House to pay their share or contribute to the wastewater treatment costs currently borne by the town. Mike MacDonald responded to a question by stating that a fee for Jordan Pond House wastewater treatment would be negotiated with the Park and was not dependent on the wastewater treatment-funding plan selected.  

Jim Bright recalls plans suggested at our initial meeting, fixtures, meters or rebate or     
other options that we should begin work on these options and any other options that may be a possibility or any recommendations from the public that may be feasible.  Mike MacDonald advises that MMA is not the last word in the legal department. Charlie Pugh suggested that a rebate or refund to resident homeowners who have no access to town sewers might be a possibility. Such a plan would be based upon homestead and/or property programs currently in use by the state of Maine and the City of Portland. George recommends that we have our proposals for the Board of Selectmen either legal or can be made legal in a timely manner before they present it to the public for consideration. Jim Robinson recommends that we outline the following 1. Basic proposal. 2. Goal of any proposal. 3. Pro’s. 4. Con’s. 5. Detailed description of proposal. Charlie Pugh agrees and recommends that we have our own prepared for our next meeting or email it to all members before the next meeting. Tony Smith with public awareness of any final proposals via a public hearing or other means.  
Jim Robinson and Bob Cawley will review and have a metering proposal option for the next meeting. Edith Dunham will work on property tax proposal. George will propose his version of the rebate option. Charlie will do a “Homestead’ rebate proposal. Anne will do proposal f or fixture count.   

George motion to adjourn, seconded by Anne. Passed.  Adjourned 9:20pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Branch,
Recording Secretary  
 Adopted 9/3/2003.